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Nicknames: Missy and Molly
Birthdate: March 17th , 1972( on St. Patrick's Day)
Birth place: Montreal, Canada
Features: 5'6, very thin, red hair, green eyes
Zodiac sign: Pisces
Previous Bands: Tinker, Hole, and Smashing Pumpkins
Instruments: Bass and Backup vocals. Also can play recorder, trumpet and xzylophone.
Education: Concordia University in Canada. Quit her senior year to join Hole.
Accomplishments: nominated for and won the 1999 and 2000 Gibson Award for best female bassist. Many of her photos have been published in magazines. Melissa has modeled and had the chance to march down the catwalk.
Romance: currently linked with Foo Fighters frontman Dave Grohl.
Melissa wears a necklace around her neck that says "Dave" on it. The couple is rumored to be engaged.