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Spread the Word

You can use this tool to tell your online friends about WBIJD.

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Other online ways of spreading the word about WBIJD are as follows:

Lists (there are many lists at egroups that are about John and/or Queen)

Links on your Webpages


Newsletters (I know there are some people out there who write or manage newsletters, maybe you could put a bit about this project in your next issue)


Mention the site in chat rooms/programs

Offline, the word can still be spread...

I will shortly be posting my work address here for you to send snail-mail messages to John (when I get the address sanctioned by the authority for this use!), so when that's up you can inform your offline friends that they can write to it. In the meantime, perhaps you'd be so good as to take down their messages and email them to me with your friends name and country.

Other ways are as such:


Call your friends who are also John/Queen fans

Word of mouth

Thanks very much for your support.