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What this project is about

We the fans of John Deacon believe that he needs to be reminded that he is still appreciated, especially since he was the member of Queen always left in the backgroud and now that he has officially retired from music. In order to acheive this a few of us have decided to put together a book to present to John. In this book we would like to include messages to John, original art work, short stories, and poetry about or inspired by John, photographs of John, you and John, yourself. Things of that nature.

All the submissions will be placed in a book to be sent to John and hopefully archived on a website so everyone who submits will be able to see the finished product.

Currently, all submissions are coming into the website, but hopefully, we'll have a mailing address set up shortly for your friends who don't have access to the net but would like to be involved. I'll keep you posted.

Thank You to Kelly and Gilli for the fantastic idea. View their Freddie, Roger and Brian sites at the following URLS:




I hope to hear from you. Thanks!
