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Dear Friend,

It was no accident,

me finding you.
Someone had a hand in it,
long before we ever knew.
Now I just can't believe you're in my life.
Heaven's smilin' down on me,
as I look at you tonight.
I tip my hat to the keeper of the stars.
He sure knew what he was doing,
when he joined these two hearts.
I'd hold everything,
if I could hold you in my arms.
I've got all I'll ever need
Thanks to the keeper of the stars.
Soft moonlight on your face
oh how you shine.
It takes my breath away,
just to look into your eyes.
I know I don't deserve a treasure like you,
there really are no words to show my gratitude.
It was no accident me finding you.
Someone had a hand in it,
long before we ever knew.

Dear Lord,

Thank you for the joy you have sent my way. You've given me the gift of a true friend. Someone trustworthy, patient, honest, and giving. I know Lord, it was part of your plan that our paths would cross. Please God, bless my friend with guidence, health, and happiness.


A heart within a heart
from me to you,
a token of trust,
loyalty, and friendship too.
Sound and firm this rock will remain,
as will our friendship
with lots to gain.
Two parts for a double heart
that will last forever,
a bond that we share
you and me together.
A friendship like ours
is made of stone,
solid and strong
yet all our own.

Hearts can go where bodys cant.

May all that is a mystery all that is unknown... all the angels and the buddhas and bodhisatvas shine on you and lift you up.

You are a child of the universe... a candle... flickering amongst the stars... a light.. that is the only light. That is you. You're not afraid or ashamed to be just a candle in the face of all eternity... you are a wonder.

Every new friendship is like a sculpture.. a work of art.... it may never take the form intended when started... it may never befinished, yet it still becomes.... it still takes shape. whether it is pleasing to the eye or not. (i think ours is pleasing)

believe Sweet Felicia believe..for it is all coming your way..sweetness and warmth friendship and caring love is never lost just confused or unglossed. The light only shines where it shines and the shadows fall where they fall we can only sit and watch so believe Sweet Felicia believe.

If I could capture a piece of moonlight for your heart, if I could beg the stars their twinkle to shine, I'd do these things and more, because you touch me so. may peace always be yours. And may the light of love shine through the dim to touch you inside your cares, to reassure that all will be as it is supposed to be. And that in the end all will be peace for you. doug

I can't hug you or caress your face....
so I'll write these words and say.
you are a wonderful thing to me.
A blessing in the midst of turmoil.
Thank you for your friendship.
It fills my day with joy.
I can't hold your hand or feel your voices frain,
but I can write these words.
and miss you just the same.
Love you,


Did I ever tell you how sweetly you touch my heart?

Did I ever tell you that you are the fulfillment of so many of my dreams, my hearts deepest and truest desire?

Well, you ARE those things, and SO much more.

Thank you so much for the e-greetings. I LOVE them.

You said ... I'm the best guy ever to have... well dang ... YOU are the best gal ever to have too!

Today, on the drive to work, I cried tears of joy for my good fortune in having you as my friend!

I cant wait to see you, I hope your day is filled with brightness and love as it should be.

Thank you again... from the bottom of my heart

I'll write more later.

Love YOU SO MUCH... Miss YOU EVERY MOMENT we are not together.


Roses bloom along with our friendship. Forever growing stronger and looking brighter with time as it goes forward. This rose I'll call Doug. In the name of Love, Friendship, and all things that are joyful. May forever there be a yellow rose in my garden.

When I wake, I feel your warmth in the sunshine through my window. When my coffee brews, I smell your sweet-sweet cologne. As I shower, I feel your hands caress my body. I feel your eyes approve of the dress i choose. Outside in the breeze, I feel your fingers brush through my hair. The birds sing with your voice of lovely songs. Every Flower smiles at me with your smile. Throughout the day, your presence makes me feel safe. I taste your kisses with each bite of my dinner. My night gown holds me in your arms. In bed I feel the beat of your heart next to mine. Apart we may be, but every second you are with me.

A soul can not be given away against it's will. A soul can not be trainned of something it does not feel. A souls is like a fragment blowing in the wind. Searching for a place to land and settle in. Another soul to love, laugh and care. Another soul to allow it in if it dare. Two souls come together without knowing why Giving unconditionally, not one emotion to deny. I know two souls like this you see, One belongs to you, the other to me. Within each other they have found a treasure, They know deep down that we belong together. .

If and when the time comes for us to finally meet, I hope that forever you'd want my love for your own to keep. While looking into each others eyes I'm sure of what we would see, our souls longing to be together For all eternity. Our hearts would surely beat together as if they were one, burning desires and passion to share, until this life is done.

I dreamed I was a flower, in a medow near a lake. This medow was full of flowers, many kinds, and many shapes. Each of us unique, and a voice of our own. Some of us sang beautiful songs, some did nothing more then moan. I dreamed you came to the medow, in search of some soilitude. as you sat there in silence, you hear singing, must be aptitude. You followed the song, that sang the tune that you admired best. Weaving thru the field, you found yourself near the place that I rest. In fear I hush, and watched you as you kneeled by my side. looking into your eyes, I seen a man who had worries, I need to guide. Just then I smiled at you, and you responded with one as well. You seen into my soul, and I sang for you a Tale. A tale of a stranger, who found his friend of friends. In a medow near a lake, where the sandy shore ends.


He wakes me with a cuddle and kiss to my neck. Warm gentle words wish me a beautiful good morning. A smile crosses my lips long before I allow my eyes open. Scared that when I do he would vanish just like a dream. I can hear the birds singing their songs. I knew it is time to wake. The sunlight shines through the prism in my window casting a million rainbows around the room. I turn to him and he laughs. He touches the end of my nose and says “this rainbow here.. It’s mine” he leans forward and gave my nose a gentle kiss.

I smile and wrap my arms around his waist. I ask him if it is time for him to leave. He nods “Yes, soon. I only have to work for a few hours this morning and then I want to come back and pick you up. I have something special planned. How about it?”

I can’t imagine for the life of me what he might have planned. But another beautiful evening with Doug is just what I want. “What time should I expect to see you?” I ask. “After work I’ll have to stop by my place and change cloths. How about 1 o’clock?” I tell him that would be great. He rolls out of the bed and walks into the bathroom. I hear him start the shower and I can hear him whistle. He whistle so sweetly.

I crawl out of bed and put my rob on. In the kitchen I start a pot of coffee. It isn’t long before Doug joins me. While I pour coffee he comes from behind. He embraces me in his arms. As he holds me I feel safe. I feel happy. I can feel his day old beard against my cheek. “I better go. I’ll be back soon okay?” I replied, “I will see you soon.” I put the coffee down and turned around. We held each other. “Thank you D. I had a wonderful time with you.” He says, “It won’t be the last.” He leans forward and kisses my forehead. “I’ll be back.” I hand him a cup of coffee as he turns away. “thank you” he said.

All I can think about is how wonderful Doug is. How we can talk for hours. Or how we can not talk for hours. It doesn’t matter. Just as long as he is near me. I start the shower and let my rob slip off my shoulders hitting the bathroom floor. Stepping in, I close my eyes. As I wash, I can feel his hands pass over every inch of my body as they did last night. I can’t help but to run my own hand over my stimulated breasts and down to my inner thighs. The thought of Doug, produces a tingle over my entire body. It is nearly more then I can stand. The water trickling down on me is a constant reminder of how warm he makes me feel. With my eyes still closed I lean in and let the water hit my face. I can feel the shampoo softly run down my body as if Doug is reading every inch of me with his touch. I like how he makes me feel. I like how this shower reminds me of his presence. I dry and put my rob back on my slightly damp body.

I hear a knock at the door. “who is it?” “It’s me, Lauren.” “coming..” I say. I open the door and invite her in. “Well? How’d it go last night?” she asks. I giggle. I turn and walk towards the kitchen, she follows. “Coffee?” As much as I try I can’t keep from hiding my smile. “You guys did it!” Lauren says. “Tell me everything!” she insists. “I want to hear all the details.” “Well, he picked me up and took me to Mona Lisa. We sat on the balcony. It was perfect. The weather, the atmosphere, the wine. His eyes! Oh God his eyes.” I grab my chest and breath a heavy sigh. She giggles. I pull a mug out of the cupboard and fill it with coffee for Lauren. “I’m telling you Lauren that man melts me like butter.” I hand her the cup of coffee and we sit at the table. She asks, “what did you do next?” I look down and lace my fingers around my cup. “after dinner we took a walk. He grabbed my hand and held it. We ended up at the park. The conversation was non stop. I have never felt like I could talk to any man about anything like I can him. It was magical Lauren, He kissed me for the first time, it felt like a million butterflies, He had to of been able to feel them inside me as well.” She grins and takes a sip of her coffee.

“Oh, excuse me” I say as I go to the ringing phone. “Hello?” “Hi” “Hi.” I say. I turn and smile at Lauren. She smiles back at me. I can tell she is pleased. She has always told me how good the two of us would be together. Doug says, “I only have a few seconds, I’m on my way to a meeting. I wanted to say hello, and hear your voice.” >