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Welcome Page

Welcome to the Stirling Baptist Church

Friends Web-site

The brand new site can be found at: Stirling Baptist Youth Site

This site has been left as it was on the day that the new site was released. I hope you enjoy having a look around, and please remember to visit the new site.


The content of this web-site should only be read by the people who are in these photo's (in other words: stop reading now all you mums & dads!). The turning off of mobile phones when viewing this site is optional because we're now in the 21st Century! (Steven, where's yours?) Those who contribute to the site must be aware of the horrendous amount of youngsters reading your pointless comments in the guestbook and your e-mails so you have a responsibility to sound intellectual! (Try your best Jen!!!) Those who require fluffy slippers, hot milk and a Zimmer frame to read this message, please advise us accordingly. (Will the real David Barrie please stand up, please stand up!) Please refrain from dishing the dirt on others, except on your brothers. (Donald!!!) Please refrain from dishing the dirt on others, except on your sisters. (Euan-S!!!) In order to attract the attention of sleepers within the group, make anti-female comments. (Wakey-wakey Andrea & Kate!) Should this message give you a sore head and you need assistance, call for Nurse Harrison. Should you THINK this message gives you a sore head and you THINK you need assistance, our resident pharmacist/drug dispenser, Euan, will deal you a couple of M&Ms to make you THINK you feel better. Should you wish to attract attention to yourself, try: " was nice whilst it lasted." Those who know too much about me must refrain from contributing to this site with any dodgy photos. (Matt!!!) And finally, those who no longer wish to read this nonsense is TOO LATE (because we are near the end)!

Did I miss anyone out??? I read in a dictionary once that the best way of describing the opposite of VIPs is: Paul and Kirsten!!! ;-P We're not jealous you guys are enjoying foreign soil, honest!!! :-(