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There is no power, like my pretty power

Hey! Welcome to my website! Hopefully I plan to establish a site full of info, pictures and fan work, so far I have photos, posters and profiles and I hope to expand a lot over the summer! Any contributations can be sent to me, at the e-mail at the bottom of the page! Guestbook, please, oh god almighty, sign it!

9/9/01 - Not much up, I'm gonna get some new photos soon hopefully, and a couple more tabs.


View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook

h o l e m u s i c ( . ) c o m

try to shut me up
put rockstar shut-me-ups on your own page!
The Girlie Avengers
the Girlie Avengers

Members of Hole (* equals a former member)

Go to:

Photo Album, page one
Photo Album, take two
Photo Album, number three
Promo Posters
Promo Posters 2
Profile: Courtney Love
Profile: Eric Erlandson
Profile: Samantha Maloney
Profile: Melissa Auf De Maur
Profile: Patty Schemel
Profile: Kristen Pfaff
Profiles:Jill Emery & Caroline Rue
Bass Tab for Malibu
Celebrity Skin Drum Tab
Compose your own Hole ringtone
Beware: rock girlz that bite
Links Page
All About Me. This should be thrilling for you
Make your own Gwen Stefani stylee dollz
