The Rockin' Homepage Award

Requirements for the award .

1.You must complete the form below.
2. Sign my guest book (if you haven't already).
3. If awarded you must link the award back to my page.

Please fill out the form below to apply for my award. There is no special time when I give them out. There is no competition for an award. I award all pages that I feel deserve an award. If you apply for an award it may take a little while for me to review your page and get back with you. If you apply for my award it does not mean you will receive one. My decision is based on appearance, content, originality, ect... I have 2 versions of awards, flash and regular. The flash version as seen below and the regular version below that. You must link the award back to my page using the following link.
Thanks :-)

  Here is a sample of my awards.

Flash Version


Regular Version


Your name:

Web page title:

Your URL:

Email address:


What type of page is it?

Aerosmith Tribute
Tribute to another rock band 


What do you think of

It rocks! You deserve my award! :-)
If  I had and award you would have it!  
It's a pretty cool site. Maybe deserving an award.
It's kind of neat but not worthy of my award. 
It sucks (note by choosing "it sucks" you pretty much have screwed your chances of getting an award.)


Tell me why you deserve this award, and any other comments also include which type of award you want, flash or regular.

    Click submit when form is completed

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