Aerosmith Facts

 Here are some facts about Aerosmith you may not know. 
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Fact Topics
Album Covers Almost named... Videos Songs Other Cool Facts


Album Covers

Permanent Vacation Cover
-The originally released Permanent Vacation cassette had the yellow wings logo and album title printed right on the plastic case.


Toys in the attic Cover
According to Steven, the original cover art for "Toys In The Attic" depicted the toys standing around looking at a teddy bear sitting in the middle with his wrist slit and stuffing all over the floor.


Live Bootleg cover
The promo version of the "Live Bootleg" cover was printed sideways (In order to see it correctly, you have to turn it so the record slot is on top). There are also differences in the graphics used, including the logo. The promo version features the "Get Your Wings" logo, while later versions feature the newer logo.


Done With Mirrors cover
The original cover had all the text "mirrored"


Draw The Line cover
- Tom Hamilton bought the original artwork and still has it today!


Night in the ruts cover
The album cover for Night In The Ruts was originally intended for the single cover of "Chip Away The Stone".


Night in the ruts cover
According to walk this way (the book), Steven wanted the cover for night in the ruts to be a picture of a giant pile of peanuts, with a leg sticking out of them


Draw the line cover
At the very bottom of the art between Brad and Tom. In a part of Brad's hair its written "NINA" (The Name of the daughter to the guy who made the picture) but it just looks like a bunch of scratches unless you really strain your eyes to see the NINA...

Get out your magnifying glass (unless you have the bigger picture on the record sleeve)'s where they are:

1) At the very bottom of Steven's hair on the left side. Put your finger on Brad's bottom lip and move it to the left, and when you hit Steven's hair, that's where it is. You need to turn the picture sideways to be able to read it though. Turn it so Steven's head is on the left side, and Brad's is on the right.

2) From the first Nina in Steven's hair (while still holding the picture sideways), move to the right to the end of Brad's hair. Go down just a little bit, and there it is...this one's harder to see because it's written lighter.

3) The last one (that I've found) is REALLY tiny. Look at the side of Tom's head that's opposite the artist's signature. This Nina is in the first curl of Brad's hair that crosses Tom's. Tilt the picture about 45 degrees clockwise and you'll see it.


Almost Named...

Almost named The Band
- Spike Jones, Jack Daniels, Boonsfarm, Stit-Jane.


Almost named The Band
Tyler had suggested the calling the band the Hookers, "
'cause playing to clubs is like prostitution anyway."


Almost named "Pump"
- Steven Wanted to name it "Bobbing for Piranhas"


Almost named "Get Your Wings"
- "Night in the Ruts"

Almost named "Toys in the Attic"
- "Love at First Bite"


Almost named "Night In The Ruts"
The Album "Night In The Ruts" Was Supposed To Be Called "Off Your Rocker."


Almost named "Get a Grip"
Steven joked about naming the album "Pit bulls On Crack",
and then Joe said "Get A Grip" and that's where they came up with GAG



Amazing video
If you watch the video "Amazing" closely, you will notice that in the beginning of the video, Alicia isn't very nice to the guy. But with a click on Attitude Adjustment, that is solved!!

Aerosmith's video Amazing was the 17th most expensive video in the world 1998, costing over 900.000 dollars.


Cryin' video
In the video for "Cryin'," the church where it was filmed is also the place where the infamous Lizzy Borden was worshipped. Creepy.

The scene where Alicia Silverstone jumps from a bridge in the video Cryin', cost over $10.000 to make, just for a few seconds of film.


Falling in love video
The video for Falling in Love (is Hard on the Knees) takes place inside an abandoned newspaper manufacturing building.


I Don't Want To Miss A Thing video
The clothing for the video IDWTMAT is the most expensive in the world. The symphony orchestra in the video had space suites on them. Each suite costed $2,500.



Once Is Enough
In an article/ band interview from the Detroit Free Press written in 1987 Joe Perry mentions that "Once Is Enough" was also recorded as a duet with Willie Nelson.


I Don't Want to Miss a Thing
Information about IDWTMAT from MTV:
Aerosmith used a 52-piece string orchestra in this song!

Aerosmith had to act like a rocket were launched right behind them in the video, because the rocket launching were postponed on later.


Back in the saddle
The woman mentioned in the song Back in the Saddle, Sukie Jones, was a groupie that followed Aerosmith along with other bands in the 1970's.


Heart's Done Time
-The killer whales Hyak and Fina "sing" on "Heart's Done Time."


Nobody's Fault
-It's about Earthquakes


Hole in my soul
"Hole In My Soul" first originated during the Pump sessions. Steven says he has been hitting on it since then, and never thought it would be good enough to record. But, it was juiced up a bit, and made the Nine Lives album.


Blind man
- The sound at the beginning of "Blind Man" is Steven opening a switchblade in front of a microphone.


Magic touch
- "Magic Touch" originally contained the phrase "Right key, wrong key hole."


Fallen Angels
Steven used 150 year old cymbals in "Fallen Angels." They can be heard in the beginning and the end of the song. While recording in NY, Steven went to a music store he used to shop in during the 60's, and purchased this instrument.

Pink - Kink
The original title to Pink was "Kink." Richie Supa thought this idea up, and brought it to Steven. Tyler didn't think he could sing that, so he changed it into Pink.


Livin' On the Edge
- "inspired" by the L.A. riots and the Rodney King beating.


Attitude Adjustment
- starts off with the song itself rewinding.


Love at first bite
The songs Adam's Apple and Dude Looks Like A Lady both contain the lyric "Love At First Bite"


Pink - Mia
In the song "Pink", the "oooh" after the line "On the lips of your lover" was performed by none other than Mia, Steven's 2nd of 3 daughters.


Let the Music Do the Talking
- the only song to appear on both a Geffen album and a Columbia album.

- Hasn't got the same Lyrics as the original song by the Joe Perry Project

- If you listen good to the solo, you can hear the intro of Draw The Line


Walk This Way (1986)
- Was originally going to be done by only Run DMC, but their producer Rick Rubin wanted Aerosmith in it.


The song "Nine Lives"
was inspired by a visit to an AC/DC concert.


Major Barbara
was recorded around Get your wings, but it was only considered to be put on an album around the Rocks sessions.


Lightning Strikes
- the only song in Aerosmith history that credits Brad Whitford playing solo but NOT Joe Perry.


Live bootleg - Toys in the attic
On "Live Bootleg" album, the live version of "Toys in the Attic" (about 2:33) someone says something like "fuck off" or "suck off" something like that.


Walkin' the Dog
- performed by the Rolling Stones on their first album too. (Also, Steven played a wooden flute on this song)


- about Steven's daughter Mia


Movin' Out
- drew its inspiration from an eviction notice received at the band's old Commonwealth Ave. apartment.


Walk This Way
- Joe Perry wrote the classic riff to Walk This Way. when he wrote it, he finished the intro riff and the verse riff in 5 minutes.


Uncle Salty
- Tom played rhythm guitar on this song.


Sick as a Dog
- Tom wrote in on guitar and played guitar with Brad, Joe played bass for first part of song. Last part of song, Joe joins Tom and Brad and Steven plays bass!


Chain reaction
You See Me Crying and Woman of the World- old Chain Reaction (Stevens old band) songs.


Home Tonight
- Steven plays piano and is backed by a 101 piece orchestra


Don't get mad get even
Joe listened to Rag Doll backwards and came up with Don't Get Mad, Get Even


If you listen closely at the beginning of "Flesh" you can hear Steven's bracelets hitting the sides of the ceramic drum he was playing.


On Amazing, at about 00:18, right after Steven says, "and let the wrong ones in" there's some strange noise, most likely a bass note


Get a Grip
If you listen trough one speaker between 2.20 - 2.40 on Get A Grip you can hear this:

"Breaker, breaker come in four oh niner we have you on approach. Do you read me, over? Four oh niner we have you on approach. Four oh niner do you read me!! You're losing altitude four oh niner. Four oh niner Mayday Mayday Mayday Mayday!!!!!"


Other Cool Facts

Writing songs with David Lee Roth?
In an 1986 Cream Magazine Joe and Steven are interviewed and they mention (at the time of the interview) that they are currently writing songs with David Lee Roth. The article didn't mention any song titles though.


GAG Guitars
During the "Get a grip" tour, Aerosmith broke 96450 guitar strings. Aerosmith brought 59 guitars on tour.


Stolen Drum
When kicked out of high school Steven stole the school bands bass drum which to this day he still has. It can be heard at the end of Living On The Edge!


Toxic Twins T-shirt
Slash with a Toxic Twins t-shirt Joe gave his Toxic Twins tee to Slash of Guns n' Roses (since he was more "toxic" than him?)


Who named Pump?
- Brad ... looking at the Aerosmith wings logo it reminded him of the Old Flying A gas Station, gas station, Pump...gas pumps? ...


Sweet emotion
If you listen to Sweet emotion backwards you can hear something that sounds like "Fuck you frank" or "Thank you Frank"


Rubber fingers
Tom Hamilton gives out rubber finger's instead of pictures since he uses his fingers when he plays
it's made out of latex. Painted flesh tone and it has his ring on it. The ring says, "Tom Hamilton Gave Me The Finger" And it has his autograph on the side of the finger. It's hollow too, so you can wear it and freak people out!

In the March issue of Metal Edge '99 Tom is quoted as saying:
"People are always asking me for a pick, I play with my fingers.
So I'm having these fingers made that say 'Tom Hamilton gave me the finger,'"


Bon Jovi cover?
In a book about Bon Jovi and on a page about their third album 'Slippery When Wet' you can read this: " ...and nobody less than Aerosmith wanted to cover the fourth song 'Social Disease'". but Bon Jovi didn't like the idea so they never did it.


What you can go through for Aerosmith
To win two tickets to an Aerosmith performance and $92.30 from KSJO radio, Mark Charland stood on a San Jose (California) corner clad in women's underwear. Charland collected $100 in tips from passing cars as his friend Steve Lieberman held a sign explaining his purpose.


Aerosmith brought more than a ton of carrots along on the group's Pump tour.


Selling a lot of records
They've sold over 90 million records in the whole world and about 50 million in the US.


Walk of fame
Aerosmith is the first group to be embedded in the new Walk of Fame.


Although Michael Jackson was hyped for doing the first cyber chat, Aerosmith had done all three major online services way before Michael did.


Walden Woods Project
Aerosmith performed along with Elton John, Sting, Melissa Etheridge and Don Henley to benefit the Walden Woods Project.


Modern logo
Ray Tabano, the guitarist that was later replaced by Brad Whitford, designed the wings logo


Roosevelt High School
Joey, Steven, and Ray Tabano (AND Howard Stern - American radio personality) went to Roosevelt High School together


Sommerville Police department
Wondering why Aerosmith thanked the Sommerville Police department in the liner notes to Permanent Vacation? It's because the police let Aerosmith use their jail cell in one of the pictures from the album!!


Selling fast
Not counting Nine Lives, the Columbia album that sold 1 million records the fastest was Draw the Line. The band was riding the success of Rocks and the re-release of Dream On.


The group Tripl3FastAction has a song called "Aerosmith."


Aeroforce 1
The boys fly in Ferdinand Marcos's former jet. It was called Cessna Citation 2, the guys rechristened it Aeroforce 1.


Who originally suggested that Tyler and Perry reunite? Rick DuFay.


Guns 'n' Roses opened for them during the Permanent Vacation tour. they also say their early musical influences being The Rolling Stones and Aerosmith.

SLASH's favorite song is Nobody's Fault by Aerosmith and his first favorite band was Aerosmith!!!


Free "Greatest hits"
On the Back in the Saddle Tour, Steven collapsed and couldn't finish the show. Tim Collins, their manager, sent out free copies of Greatest Hits to everyone in the audience.


1325 Commonwealth Ave
When the guys shared an apartment at 1325 Commonwealth Ave, space was tight. Tom's room doubled as a living room, Steven and Joe shared a small room and slept on bunk beds. Steven and Joe usually fixed dinner - brown rice and vegetables.


F.I.N.E Trucks
If you look closely on the Pump cover, the song title F.I.N.E. appears on both trucks!


Naming Get a grip
There were 3 people who named Get A Grip. First, Liv and Mia Tyler. They were always telling their dad to "Get A Grip". Next, Joe Perry. Steven joked about naming the album "Pit bulls On Crack", and Joe said "Get A Grip"! So, there was a lot of gripping going on!


Led Zeppelin
The song that Brad Whitford said "Was the first song that showed the way we were influenced by Led Zeppelin shows" is "Round and Round."


First 5 on gag
The first 5 songs that were recorded for Get A Grip were Fever, Eat the Rich, Crazy, Get a Grip, and Amazing.


# of shows on Gag tour
The total # of shows played during the Get A Grip tour including the MaKin opening was 224!!


- Steven did 652 handsprings during the "Pump" tour.


- According to Kerrang!, Aerosmith promoted their first major UK tour by persuading two boxers to put the wings logo on their shorts during a fight shown live on ITV by "World of Sport."


- At the end of "Hole In My Soul" Steven whispers "Goodnight Taj, Goodnight Chelsea."


Sounds on their Self titled debut album
- If you listen to the first album, esp. Movin' Out, with Headphones you can hear Joe playing in one ear and Steven clearing his throat to get ready to sing in the other.... also in the beginning of different songs you can hear the odd tap of a drumstick, or a little note of guitar...

This was taken from Rock This Way &
Nicole's Aerosmith Tribute Page. That site is no longer online

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