I have no relationship with any member of Staind, or the Staind staff or anything, and I'm not Staind. I can't get you tickets anywhere, and if I had them, I probably wouldn't give them to you. I can get limited information and where to find other Staind sites and stuff, thats it. If you're bored, email me or send me an Instant Message on AOL/AIM. Here's some brief info about me. Since you dont care, I'll make it short. I'm 14, I'm a guy, and I live in New Hampshire, USA. I like rock music, and I play bass guitar in the band Mantra. To go visit my personal website, go here. That's it.

Here's my email and my AIM screen name. spleen413@hotmail.com and "theflyingsalmon" for my AIM screen name.