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Important News

TIMEXPIRED: Nothing Lasts forever, and Good things always have to come to an end sooner or later. Isn't that the truth? For Four guys who decided to get together and do something that they love, even for a brief period of time. TimeXpired began with just 3 guys, Jeff and Jason Cribbs and Walt Linn. Along the way there have been a few replacements, a few friends, a few assholes, a few power junkies, ultimately bringing TimeXpired to what Pittsburgh has come to know over the past year. Jeff Cribbs on vocals, Jason Cribbs on Drums, Mike Johnson on Bass and our newest member Dave Palmer on Guitar. The four of us together chose to battle a lot of bunk, betray and bullshit along the way. Imagine just trying to do something that you love, and having a struggle doing it. People holding you back, venues turning you down, a whole fucking city preventing you from taking it a step further. But for Local Bands, this is what they deal with every single day. It has been a hard and rocky road to travel, but nonetheless we walked it as long as we could. Don't get us wrong, we will never lose sight of this experience. TimeXpired was an amazing time for us. We had some serious fun with everything we did. We always kept open minds and tried not to get discouraged. We met some really cool people along the way and made some true friends (You know who you are). We had support from the greatest people around Pittsburgh and we just want you all to know how much we appreciated you. But now we all have chosen separate paths, and have decided to move on with our lives in different directions. TimeXpired is not leaving on a bad note. Contrary to what you may have heard, all of our members are still as close as we ever were. There is no tension or pressure present responsible for our parting. This was merely a decision we came to, in order to make best for our individual lives. Mike seems to have more of a problem with the weather in Pittsburgh than anything, he has chosen to soak up the rays on the beaches in Tampa. Dave, God who knows about Dave, he might attend guitar school in another state, Jason is looking to start a family with his wife soon, and Jeff has taken a new position as front man for the Pittsburgh band formerly known as Chronic Groove, now Element. TimeXpired was a huge stepping stone for all of us, and it gave light to the path we eventually chose to take. We hope you all enjoyed the ride as much as we did, who knows, we might have a reunion soon enough. (But don't quote us on that :) As for our fans, we will cherish all the memories you gave us. Its been fun. TE

