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                 Emptiness what the night is...
Happy perfect days are just in memories.
Nights of laughter w/c heart remember...
Play no more thy tones forever.

Beatitude now a days...
An oversight pleasure in an illicit way.
An intuition one may can see...
To a passions, ended in misery.

Blaming no else but heart…
To reality's scene of heart depart.
In probing of all the untold…
Emerges thy malady w/c truth holds.

Wealth ,a reason slapped from one…
Eyeing Him no future to cOme.
Knowing thy chance, thee only thwart...
For foreseen great One, chosen from start.

Greediness... flesh & blood they exploits
Minding only themselves... what an injustice it points
A freedom lost whom hearts' lead..,
Weigh much sure to ones decent deeds.

Now time holds for who is who...
So life never a worse to pursue.
Thy mending of all thy unwanted scars…
Yet a waste not in someone whose heart not so far.