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There She Is

This page is contributed to the Wonderful Kathy Goo. It has my fav pictures that Kathy herself drew! And below every picture I tell why I love that drawing. And I know she draws Johnny a lot but here's her reason for that;
I draw when I like to draw and when I got inspired and I`m mostly inspired by John Drawing is not even a hobby of me ... it`s just something I do when I feel like doing it!!!
Isn't she great??? And in these drawings you can see Kathy....I think she expresses herself and here's what I wanna say to Kathy; "When I look at your kick ass drawings....there you are!"
Here are the reasons why I made this page for her;
Because she is such a talented person....and her drawings kick ass! She is very nice, very sweet, and I love talking to her. She never leaves anyone out and when I very first talked to her she was very open and kind. She feels for other people and loves to include them in anything she can. Not only that....but she was the very first person to contribute to my site!!! And she is so wonderful....that's why I call her the Wonderful Kathy!!!!

Kathy claims this is her first drawing and the moment I saw it I had to put it on my site. It's very creative and tells so much!

I have this picture and I love it! I thought it was so funny and she drew it exactly like him!!!!

This is the CUTEST drawing of Johnny I've ever seen!!!!

They look exactly like the Goo Goo Dolls!!!! Amazing!!!

This is sooooooo cute! I can't explain how cute I think it is!

I love the way she drew Robby's red hair and his glasses! god she is talented!!! Great Robby drawing!!!

Oh my god this is cute! Johnny in his boxers....what all you girls wanna see i bet! I just think it's funny

He is so adorable isn't he??? This is so amazing!!!!!

Great Johnny picture.....definately tells something. Kathy is too talented to describe!

This is definately one of my favorite drawings from Kathy! It's soooo cute and creative!

I LOVE this picture! Johnny with long hair! Yea!!!!!

This is such a kick ass drawing! Not many people draw Iggy the Cat. That is SO creative!!! I don't know how she thought to do that but it is so amazing! I just have to smile everytime I look at it!

Now THIS is my faaaavorite drawing ever!!! That looks EXACTLY like Johnny!!!! and it looks sooooo sexy! I will never ever let this drawing go!!! When Kathy first showed me this drawing, I went crazy over it! We were in the middle of swapping Goo tapes and when I received her package she had put this drawing in with it!!!! The ORIGINAL! She gave it to me!!!! See how sweet she is???!!!! Now this drawing is hanging right in the center above my bed's headpost. I just LOVE it!!!!

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