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Know My Name

About this site

Do you want to know more about me and my site? Well, just to reassure all you people that may be visiting, I'm a very nice and friendly person so don't be afraid to make suggestions or comment on the site, whether good or bad. Just don't say anything bad about the Goos!!! My name is Curta, I'm a girl to let you know, and I, of course, am the creater of this site. I will respond to any email you give to me. I will never stop writing you unless you stop writing me first. I am wide open on suggestions and would love for you to contribute to the site. I would also like to hear your comments, whether they be good or bad.

And I'm Hush Puppy.....I'm the Goo Goo Dog! I help Curta run the site! I run the Message Board, the Contest, and I help with news, tips, and you will be seeing me a lot more as the days go by. Feel free to email me too! My address is on the main page, same as Curta's.

This site has some cool information on the Goos as well as thanks and credits. It also offers you to join in and be a part of it. If you look around you'll see that you can tell your own Goo stories, give us concert reviews, and more . The latest Goo news is on the main page. We also have the link to the updates page above, so that you can get more in depth with the Goo news and what's going on in the lives of the creators of String of Goo. Our email is below the news and the links....right above the guestbook. We would love it if you'd keep us updated and give us any Goo news or information. As you can see, our site is decorated with creative and colorful backgrounds. We don't like things to be plain. And, if you notice, every single page has a picture of the Goos at the top. We love pics of them, don't you?! And if any Goo fan who doesn't have a website or doesn't know how to build, please do ask us. It's very important to us and thanks to Jen, from Hopelessly Devoted To Goo, I, Curta, am very good at it now. Please don't be afraid to ask, we love to help Goo fans. Anyway, here's some information on each page that we have up;

Tomorrow Brings A Brand New Day;

This is String of Goo's updates page. We know we already have the news on the main page but our updates page tells a little more about the news. Although the main reason for the updates page was that we wanted to share our everyday life with you all and share our Goo. You must be so excited! Well, we're trying!

TV, Radio, and Magazines;

There's Nothing To Corrupt The Eyes, that's the name of this page. It has a list of upcoming television appearances, recent magazine issues the Goos are featured in, and upcoming or on-going Goo on the radio.

Tour Dates;

This page, obviously, has a list of all of the Goo Goo Dolls upcoming and recent tour dates....including the date, time, and place of the concert. It also contains information about their concerts.


The title speaks for itself....this page is a biography page, called "They Are The Normal". We don't have a biography of the band up yet, but we do have one of each Doll; Robby, Johnny, and Mike. We have a cute little picture of them on the front page. We thought it was funny because above it it says They Are The Normal and they look like they're thinking, "yeah right!" We also have pictures of them on their own pages. Robby's page has Curta's favorite pic of Robby. He's just so adorable!!! Johnny's pic is an awesome picture of him that I just love. I think he looks great with long hair! Our favorite pic of Mike is on his page. He just looks so awesome at those drums! He's amazing! It doesn't have everything we know about them on this page, that would take forever to type up, but it's just some interesting facts. If you notice any false information or notice something that's not there, please feel free to tell us about it. Also, please don't tell us about personal rumours because no one at String of Goo wants to know. The Goos private lives are NO ONE ELSE'S BUSINESS!!!!! The only people that should know are the goos themselves and/or anyone else they want to tell. We're sure they don't want the whole world to know about their private lives and they probably don't like the lies and rumours that go on about them. String of Goo advises people not to spread rumours like that because we're sure it embarrasses the Goos....that includes their love lives (unless it's public information about their marriages), and their smoking habits or any other habits like that. Thank you!


Another title that speaks for itself. This is the house of Goo! It tells you about their CD's and videos and stuff like that. It's kind of like a discography...only it has lists of their singles, promo CD's, and much more! We know we probably don't have everything...but we'll try to get more stuff as time goes on. Enjoy the awesome picture at the top!


This page, of course, has the Goo Goo Dolls lyrics. As of now, it has all the lyrics for every Goo album except Gutterflower....which is currently being worked on. It also doesn't have the lyrics for any rare songs or b-sides yet....but those will come too. It has pictures of the front covers of each album....and it has two different front cover pictures for the Goos first album. We put the old and very rare cover from the Celluloid release up to show you Goo fans what it looks like. All of the pictures of this page were scanned by Curta please don't take any without permission. Thanks!

True Goo Stories;

This page is just a place where you can tell your own Goo stories. By that we mean that you can tell about how you fell in love with the Goos, why you love them, which song means the most to you, what Goo stuff you have, anything like that. You can read Curta's story to get an idea. Feel free to say anything you want in the story, as long as it's not anything bad about the Goos! The page is entitled "Love Dolls". Any requests for certain pictures, backgrounds, titles, etc., can be emailed to us along with your story


You probably know that this is a page with links to other great Goo Goo Dolls sites. String of Goo tries to search for really good websites dedicated to the Goo Goo Dolls that doesn't expose any personal or immature rumours. We know that there are a lot of great sites out there, so if you know of any that you really like, give us the address and we'll check it out...or if you have one that we don't know about, you can give us the address to it. Or feel free to send your address at the "add your own link" box at the bottom of the page. And don't you think the picture at the top is so cute?!


This page has fan reviews of shows or encounters. That's all there is to it! So send some in!

Goos To You;

This page has a long title; "Come On and Show Me Just What They Mean To You". Told ya. Basically, it's just where you can tell us what you think of each Goo Goo Doll individually or as a band. We would LOVE it if you would contribute! We also love the pic at the top, by the way.

Me And My Site;

That's this page....the "me" is me!, Curta

Credits and Thanks;

This is a thank you page (obviously). It has all the thank you's to people who helped us with this page and it also has numerous thank you's that don't have to do with this site. Thank you all!


This page shows the awards that String of Goo has won.

More About Me;

This page has some questions that someone asked me (Curta) once that I thought was kind of interesting. It has my answers with it. The picture at the top was from a magazine and it has the Iris lyrics.

Hush Puppy-The Goo Goo Dog;

This page tells you all you need to know about our special Goo Goo Dog, Hush Puppy!

Dedicated To Kathy GooBunny;

This page is dedicated to the wonderufl Kathy GooBunny, who is very special to String of Goo. Kathy was the very first person to contribute to String of Goo and has helped us out by giving us suggestions, ideas, and comments. She's a very sweet girl and a kickass artist. She's sent us many emails with her drawings in it and a few have even been used for some of the pages on this site. Kathy even sent me my absolute favorite drawing in the mail....the original!....for no reason at all! Over the years, String of Goo has gathered many of Kathy's drawings....and now has posted them up on this special page for everyone to enjoy! Every one of these pictures was drawn by Kathy and sent to us from her, so please DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE, TAKE THESE DRAWINGS OFF OF THIS PAGE! Thank you! And thank you, Kathy, for being so wonderful!

Gutterflower Promos;

This page has every single promo photo that the Goos have released for their latest album, Gutterflower. It also has some pics of promotional CD's and ads.

My Goo Concert Photos;

All of my concert photos are posted on this page. They were all taken by me or someone who was with me. There is not a photo posted up on the page of an event that I didn't attend. All of the photos were taken by me at the events except the first two from 1989....these were taken by my father, who had brought me to the show when we were in New York. All of the photos were scanned by me personally (my scanner sucks....sorry) so DO NOT TAKE THEM!!!!!!!!!!! There will be many more photos to come so stay tuned for them. Some will be photos taken backstage. Thanks!


This page is run by Hush Puppy....who puts on a Goo contest every so often. To enter the contest, you will have to answer the question that's posted on the page. All those who answered correctly, will be randomely chosen from. The winner will receive the prize, which is usually a rare or hard-to-find Goo item! The prize is shipped first entries accepted. But that's not all! This page also has information for recent or on-going Goo contests from around the web.

Goo Video Trade;

This page has a list of all of the Goo Goo Dolls appearances, shows, concerts, etc. that I have available for trade. I am willing to trade or sell.....whatever's best for you.

Goo Videos I'm Looking For;

This page just has a list of the Goo stuff I'm looking for on video. If you have any of the appearances listed, please let me know and I will buy or trade some of my videos for them.

Goo Talk, Goo Post; This is String of Goo's message board, which is run by Hush Puppy. Feel free to post any information, messages, or comments on the board. Or you can just chat! Have fun!

Ring of Goo;

This is String of Goo's very own webring! Go and visit other Goo sites or you can join the webring with your website! Just go to the webring, click on "join", fill out the form, and send it! You will be given a copy/paste code by email that you will need to paste on your page in order to remain active in the ring. The code should have the Ring of Goo's picture/graphic in the webring box. If you experience any trouble with the code, just email Curta and she will help you out with that.

Goo Poll;

I know, it's very obvious that this is a poll. This poll is open to all votes and there will be a different poll posted up every couple of months. So vote away!

Do You Goo?;

This is a little thing I thought would be entertaining to put up here. It's a picture of an old couple and you are supposed to try to find a Goo Goo Doll in the picture. Click on the link for the answer!

You know that "i beg your pardon" thing at the bottom of the main page? Well, just in case you didn't know, that is written in the First Release booklet from the Goo Goo Dolls first CD.

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