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Solo singer/guitarists needs gigs and musicians

The purpose of this page is:

Hi. Thanks for viewing my site. I am currently a solo singer/guitarist who plays good old rock-n-roll. I am searching for gigs around the Maryland area. Since I am solo small venues (i.e. coffee houses, cafes, parties, etc.) are about all I can do for now. I have been playing music for about nine years now and have finally made up my mind to go for a professional career. If interested in hiring me out for a gig please call Jeff Newman at 301-952-6415 or email me at I am also in need of musicians to round out a band. I am seeking a lead guitarist, a bassist, a drummer, and a pianist/keyboardist. Age and experience are not important but the willingness to work hard and have a open mind is. Again if interested please see the above contact info. Thanks for viewing this page and I hope to hear from some of you out there.

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