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July 26, 10:49 PM- Well.. The last update is a violation of my personal policy (but i was reeeeeeally afraid that i'd be told we suck again). It's common, although not mutual courtesy. All I'm going to say, is that some one can dish it out, but can't take it... no names. Well either way, the conflict turned out in our favor.. realizing that theres really nothing anyone can do to us. Oh well. It was fun while it lasted, ey? Anyway, in other news, Rob and I were playing today. We did a quick, 20 second, (and admittedly crappy) version of the intro to Crazy Train. Eric also gets a set of new and improved drums tomorrow. Fire is fun, right, boy? In personal news, I will be gone next week, from sunday to saturday. On sort of a camp-ish trip to Pennsylvania. Don't expect to hear anything else from me. I'll eventually put up the clip, and some new lyrics... but i'm lazy right now. Until I'm back, ah.. goway.

July 01, 5:18 PM- Hiyall. I'm feeling extremely productive right now... Rob and I came up with a beat, that will be used for one of our songs (probably "The Room"). It is only Guitar and Bass, and no vocals, because none of the other members were available today. It's in real audio format, and 30-40 seconds long... There will be a wav version coming soon.. but we have to perform it again... Anyway, I think you can download a free trial of Real Audio here. Try it, and really, we want to know what you think. Remember, there are no drums, or keyboards, or vocals, but thats okay for now.. We'll work on it. Well, I guess thats all for now. Find the clip in the sound clips section, and no where else. Until when, you should wait in the car until we leave.

June 30, 8:33 PM- Yo. The one and only John ici. Feelin' a bit better. Went down to Jersey's shore to mellow out. We're writing some more music.. getting arranged... getting better. I also drew a logo, which is currently posted on the main page... I also artist. Although Eric doesn't have the faintest understanding of my "positive" thing, When the most repeated word in all of our lyrics, is "fuck", I see a bit of a problem. Until eric fixes his potty-mouth, and stupid-head, I see you in the fish paper.

June 19, 11:11 PM- Hi. Feeling very angry right now. At angelfire, particularly. I stumbled upon one of their many humorous "page not found" screens. The - This page can only be viewed by (list of dead people). Among this list, was Jim Morrison, which particularly offended me. I admire Jim Morrison for who he was, and I don't want anyone to disrespect him. Even though it might have all been in fun, it's not very kind to do that to dead people. What kind of joke would you have made about him, if he was alive today? Would you have, in the first place? My point to all this, is, that the angel fire staff, has their heads up their asses. Thats why they're going to ignore requests to take it off, and thats why I'M STILL BREAKING THEIR FUCKIN' ADVERTISEMENT CODES! Please people, have a heart. Lets get it off of there. Until that happens, may angel fire's combined IQs remain lower than their average shoe size... Fuck them.

June 17, 11:36 AM- Yo. Schools being out now. Not much to say about that, aside from we'll be practicing more. I'm adding a links section, now. Not all of it has anything to do with our rock style music stuff (intelligently phrased, no?), but what the hell. We like the sites... Until you visit them, Damn! Hell makes a yummy bagel.

June 11, 11:22 PM- Hi. Everyone is back from DC. We are all happy. I heard it SUCKED! I redesigned the front page. No more texty-links. You'll figure it out eventually. Within the week, Eric and I will be getting more instruments to expand our horizons. I hope for an acoustic guitar, and Eric is gettin' some more drums. I'm putting up the two new songs. One by Eric and one by Rob. The last one is still being revised. Anyway.. Until then, Catholocism, WOW!

June 10, 11:27 PM- Whassup! Hi. Not much to say now... We now have a full album full of lyrics... suffice to say, now two-to-three more songs exist. They aren't up yet, as they are still in the early stages of revision, but since that sentance is a synonym for "I'm a lazy idiot", 'revision' means whenever I get around to do it. I wish I was Dennis Miller. Anyway, Rob and I were talking about how true rock songs don't have much profanity in them.. What do you t'ink? I'm not offended, but kind of opposed to too much profanity.. I think it shows a lack of intelligance. (notice all of the casual mispellins). But anyway, I added a contact info page, therefore exploiting the last shred of our privacy... We will be swamped. nah, just kidding... well... until then, †.

June 9, 12:27 AM- Yo. John here. Pretty much the only one here in fact. Charles, Rob, and Eric are in Washington DC, on a trip right now. I hung back, because I don't like school trips that much. Aaron, on the other hand, is still around, but being as he attends a different school than us, he hasn't been at home with the benefit of a 5-day weekend, as I have. Anyway, they won't be back until tomorrow night.. And will they be surprised. I finally wrote some lyrics. To a song called "Missing You". Before either one of my ex-girlfriends reads it, I wanna specify that it's not about either one of them... Until they return, white men CAN, and WILL jump!
PS - also added a background.

June 4, 6:33 PM- Hiyall. I added the counter that I was so damn afraid of putting up... Notice it's glory... I doubt it'll make me happy, but its another newsletter in my otherwise empty mailbox. We seem to be doing alright for ourselves though. On a seperate note, I doubt sound clips will be that long away. We'll try to avoid August, or any point close to that... But since we all suck (except for Eric & Aaron) give a month or two. Uh.. Not much else to say, except that we'll do our best about the sound clips. Until then, Do, or do not. There is no try.

June 1, 7:14 PM- Been watching a lot of Kevin Smith movies lately. Seen Dogma, Mallrats, and Clerks... Gotta see Chasing Amy this weekend. Jay and Silent Bob rock. I have to will to scroll down and see if I've said anything about this next statement... but I just got a tab book for the first song we intend on performing (Nobody's Real - PM5K). It's a good song... keeps all of us on our asses.. Almost 3 minutes... EASY! Anyway... I'm probably going to put up a hit counter, but I'm rather afraid to see how many hits we don't get... Until then, Snoogans.

May 31, 8:10 PM- Updating insignifigintlee again. I image-ized the titles on most of the main pages. Angelfire didn't seem to be working yesterday (i wasn't allowed to log in), and the day before, the update I did didn't register online.. So I have to fix the guestbook AGAIN. Until when, COME, JOR-EL, SON OF ZOD.. snootchy bootchies!

May 28, 1:57 AM- It's just about 2 AM. I've been listening to "pumpin' on your stereo" by supergrass for a while now... It's a cool song, but the video is the weirdest thing I've ever seen. It's easy to describe, but I don't want to spoil the fun for you. Just want to say that i added picture of Aaron in profiles section. Be happy. He is in costume. Do not be frightened. Until whenever, I will forever be a slush-puppy.

May 26, 7:28 PM / 11:22 PM- Aaron is now officially in the band. He will also be doing bg vocals. So, I'll keep you posted on that... I've also started work on the pictures page, and I just need a pic of Aaron to complete the profiles thing. Until then- the time when we start doing stuff, I'LL GET YOU NEXT TIME GADGET, NEXT TIME!

May 25, 7:11 PM / 8:30 PM- Howdy. Whats up? We're going to add another member to the band this weekend. Aaron Premo, on keyboards...He's gooood. We'll also be getting some pictures up soon, because we have a friend with a digital camera (thanks, Alvin). Also, I'm preparing to update the profiles section. Until then, watch the birdy.

May 23, 7:33 PM-Je suis John. Today, I've made the html a little bit more friendly to the eye. Still working on the lyrics page. They're a bitch to rewrite. Right now, I'm adding a questions page (HERE). Although we aren't popular enough to have them labeled as "Frequently Asked Questions", they are gonna be there to take up space.. for now. They'll remain that way until we're heading the TRL countdown... until then, PUMPKINS RULE!

May 16, 7:43 PM- John again... Sitting here waiting for Rob and Charles to come online. I is bored. Listening to some Green Day... Anyway, I'd like to say that we're getting some of our lyrics on the new site. If you just can't wait, check them out here.
Until then: Peace, man.

May 14, 12:15 AM- Hey, whats up? John here. I'd just like to say, that we're getting rid of the crappy friendpages website, and now were working up the new improved version. You can expect more lyrics up, profiles, and maybe even a few sounds in a good long time... Until then, hang yourself in suspense, for you are sad.

*- Text in the previous updates will never be changed, but as necessity dictates, linked files will.