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†KISS Sites†

†The KISS main website†
†The official site of the KISS Army†
†Peter Criss Photo Gallery†
†Gene Simmons Photo Gallery-Page One†
†Gene Simmons Photos-Page Two†
†KISS Photo Gallery-Page One†
†Ace Frehley Pictures†
†Page Two ----->

OI! Yeah, I'm talking to you. Where the bloody 'ell do you think you're going? You forgot about the second page, numbnuts. Now click on the link and take a look at it, it's where all the cool HTML is. At least it was all there before Angelfire ate something yicky for breakfast. *gag*
This is just some miscellaneous junk I'm putting on this overloaded page because my second page is being evil at the moment. *grr* Ah well...
The following feature was inspired by a friend of mine who has a sentence of the day. This will be the sentence of the day or week, depending on my memory and how often I get a good one. :)

"That's a nice little nothing you're almost wearing."
Contributed [indirectly] by: James Bond

Word of the Day/Week
The Exorcist



Disclaimer-none of this is true, it is all the lunatic workings of my insane mind.

My name is Percival Worthington Jefferson Samuel Maruice Geoffries Gobblefunk IIIIIII, and if you receive this, whomever you are, it means I did not survive. I have done my best to be a good husband, and father. I have loved my children, and I have loved the bottle, but I have lived a life relatively free of sin. This is my legacy. Many people think that being a man means doing what you think is right. I do not. I have passed the Hepatitis Test with an A, two B’s and a C. Unfortunately, my IQ test has come back negative, and all my friends are dead. This is my confession.
I have cheated on my wife multiple times. I like maple leaves. I tend to point to plants and shout “LEGALIZE!” I like fat German male models. I hear voices and do what they command. I make computer keyboards and sell them without the Q button. I have broccoli in my socks. I plan to take over the world using bars of milk chocolate with almonds as a weapon. I listen to people that don’t have a clue who I am. My wife’s lingerie is riding up my hemorrhoids. I have a mad desire to kill a mad scientist. I will miss the busboy at Chez Ritz and the many nights we had together. I am madly in love with my camp counselor. I was never made in the mafia. My mother was a hamster and my father smelt of elderberries. My grandmother dresses me funny. My Spainglish is bad and I think of joining the Hispanic chapter of KKK International. I like choking chickens. I simply love spanking monkeys. Children are good in a white wine sauce.
Take heed of what I say, it could save your life someday. Farewell, and I hope to see you in the future.

Percival Worthington Jefferson Samuel Maruice Geoffries Gobblefunk IIIIIII [That’s my name too...]

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