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Emma rules

Go here:

The NEW dreambook
More Europe pics!
Europe pics as well as SAR Camp stuff.
Noel 2000
Noel 2000 with the cousins
Tennessee spring break vactation 2001
More Tennesse pictures
St. Louis retreat, left to right, me, Sean H., and Kristen, Sean and I are so cute!!! Oh yeah there is also a pic of my Dad and I
MY Resume
Better Centennial prom pics
Freshman year prom pics with David (PHS, '00)
Winter Trip pictures to Mt. Washington, NH
MT. Washington, me rapeling from a Mt. Frankenstein ice climb
The crew's summit picture.
Me in Mystic Connecticut on the 2001 summer trip to Maine.

Hi everyone. I havn't really done anything to this site in a while. I doubt anyone will see the changes but if you do more power to ya.

For those of you who don't know me, I'm Emma I'm a junior and I like to climb, hike, swim, and skate. I'm in the NHS...good stuff good stuff. Anyhow if you really want to talk to me, my sn on AIM is jaiunvie3. I'm never on so good luck.

Yes life goes on. Or does it? I'll see in a bit. I work at Earth Treks now which is really neat.

I've been to places like this!
