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I don't know these people, either well or at all, but some of them are hot so I took their picture. I am such a loser.

Steve Zimmerman, also known as Bighead Birdhouse, has had the same style of hair since elementary school. His brother's psycho. Oh, and that's Halloween makeup coming out of his mouth.

These guys I see in the summer, and they kinda hate me. They are Brian and Barry. They think they're sooo cool cause, well, they are, in a queer kind of way.

Enter Towel Boy (real name: Gary). He hates me too. It was because I annoyed him too much. It's not my fault he walked around in a green bath towel! I annoyed him so much the others thought I was infatuated with him. He is kinda cute... But he's no Ryan Dyke (scroll down)

I took this at the mall. I thought he was hot.

This is Trevor, he used to go to my school. His friends make it a point to make fun of me. Rose, Nat, Kelly, and I commonly reffer to him as "the guy in the green shorts". He was wearing a pair of horrid green shorts, and I should've gotten them in the pic, but gosh darn it, I didn't

This is Ryan. I think that's all I need to say. Oh, and I am obsessed with him.

These guys were kinda funny. We met them at Freedom Hill, which is now a bunch of steps!!! It just isn't right...

Another pickle vendor at the Rennaisance Festival. Rose and I made him do the "pickle macarrena". He was cool.

Oh my god, he is so hot. Sorry.