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The Goo Goo Dolls


Mike, Robby, and Johnny

These are the Goo Goo Dolls. They rule. I love them. And just who am I? Well, I am calling myself the "Girl Right Next to Johnny" but I've never even met him, it's just a dorky pun; for those that don't get it, on the Goo Goo Dolls' 4th album SuperStar Car Wash, song number 5 is called "Girl Right Next to Me" and that's where I took the quote. For those that still don't get it, maybe you don't belong here... go study your Goo a little more. No, just kidding. Study up your Goo here! That's what this site is for!

Anyways, this site is all about the Goo Goo Dolls, which I think is one of the best bands ever! Right now, this site still in its infancy, I still need to gather some more information, which means pictures, bios, more lyrics, articles, etc.

For now you can check out what I have below, and don't worry, this page IS going to be cool someday... My goal for this page is to get it on the All Goo Webring. FabFay is my hero. Check out her site: FabFay and the Goo Goo Dolls

Pictures!LyricsMy Goo Artwork
My Home PageCool Goo and Non-Goo Links Goo Goo Paper Dolls!

Thanks for stopping by, sorry if this page wasn't helpful at all. Let me know if you have any suggestions, or serious complaints.