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My Expressions: my innermost feelings and thoughts

Good Day My Friend












Welcome, my friend, to My Expressions. This is my realm, my place of sanctity. A place to which I come to fully express myself. Please forgive me if I am sometimes to open, but is that not what expressing oneself is: being completely open?

The big reason I'm doing this is to have an outlet to vent my frustrations, my rage, and my joy. I think it's pointless to express yourself without an audience of some sort. So I'd appreciate it if you would spread the word about My Expressions.

I just realized I made an error, I did not include a way to get to my links page. Click here to see my favorite links.





Quote of the day.

"Into this world we're thrown, an actor out on loan." --James Douglas Morrison

The Insane Rantings of a Madman Introduction to My Poetry Section #1 Section #2 Section #3 Section #4 Miscellaneous Poetry Other People's Poetry Advice Giver
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