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Pictures of my favorite things:

My little cousins. Yes, cuteness runs in the family but I wont deny these two are far cuter than me.


Life is just better with animals!

Name: Bug

Occupation: Pet

Hobbies: Cuddling, being outside, catching moles in the yard.


Name: Tag

Occupation: Pet

Hobbies: Hiding and playing with toy mice



Name: Tweety

Occupation: Pet

Hobbies: Eating, sleeping, being cute.


My newest addition!

Name: Newbie

Occupation: Pet

Hobbies: Cuddling, being outside, playing, drinking milk


I like dogs too, most are just too loud for me. But I love all animals. Be kind to the all!

My cats are adopted from the local pound or taken in from people I know who had to give them up. Adopt a pet today - but only if you can make a long term commitment to it. Most cats are very sweet and cuddly. Some are independant, some like to cuddle. I love them all. Don't buy from breeders. There are cats who need homes! Don't buy one because its beautiful, adopt one because it needs a home and needs love. If it happens to be beautiful, thats ok. In my eyes, all cats are. They give you loving too, so if you feel lonely or your child could use a friend...head to the local pound or animal shelter. They are great companions.

Theres too many pets and not enough owners, get your pet neutered! Especially if it gets out where it can breed!


1. Give your pet fresh water everyday

2. Dont leave it outside in the cold.

3. If its a cat, keep plenty of litter boxes and/or keep its litter box clean. I've learned those things help to prevent them from going on the floor.

"Animals lend a touch of grace to our lives by teaching us the real meaning of unconditional love and by bringing out the kindest and best impulses in us. They give us so much and ask for so little." – Carol Kline, co-author, Chicken Soup for the Cat & Dog Lover's Soul and board member, Noah's Ark Animal Foundation


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