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Welcome to my goofyass website.


Me and my sweetie!



Me on Halloween 2002. Its way bright...not sure why.

Eric "The Giant Slayer", March 2002. Here I'm in the ring with "Big George" Chamberlain:

Below in the Ring with George Bouchard. This was a semi-pro exhibition match. What is it with boxers named George?

A hard right hand by me knocks jab connects!

Taken for my bands heavy metal CD: Nightmare - The Darkside. Check for more info. Its almost done! Yes I box and play guitar too. Is that so weird? Actually I've been playing guitar since I was 15. I've only been boxing like 7 yrs.

To save you the trouble of asking, I'm 5' 11" and weigh 190.

Hi. Oh...sorry I said that already. I'm just as goofy in person, I swear!



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