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Band Biography
Second Chance was born out of the heart of a man who had always wanted to be a rock and roll singer, Michael Benda.  He had believed that somehow, something great was going to happen, and 20 years later, it did.  It began in Feb 2000 one evening while Alex was waiting for Worship team practice Mike played a CD of a Christian rock group, Alex Jammed along to it, and that very evening, Second Chance was born.
It was a week before these 2 guys would get together and write what would be the first song ever written for this band and it was at this meeting that Mike finally felt like he was being given that Second Chance to live his dream.  The song would go on to be a hit in the local area, a soft ballad we know as "You were there".  It was followed rapidly by "Here I'm Standing" a rock worship tune in the vein of Kansas and Lynyrd Skynyrd. 
It took about 2 weeks before Jeff was added on Drums and on a Sunday morning in early march, We added Derrick and Jamie to complete our quintet.  A series of disappointments yielded no Bass player, and the quest continues.  For the recordings, Alex plays, Bass, Keys, Synth, and Guitars.
The Group has had the pleasure of working with local Enid Churches a few times to bring their original sound, Alternative Blues Rock as they coined it, to Young people.  Youth America has had Second Chance play in the local Enid area to spark a fire for Godliness, Hope, and Purpose in the hearts of these young people.  We even had the pleasure of doing some improvisational Rapcore with Rev. Elijah, a master of the modern Fable.
So now, in Early May, Second Chance finds itself on the brink of huge success, looking for a performance bass player and keyboard player.  They will be cutting their first Demo in Mid May at a fantastic Studio in Enid.  The decision to sign in June to a small label in Texas will be made.  Touring in the local area will resume in late summer, we look forward to bringing our cutting edge guitar work with edgy vocals, and words that melt the heart to Oklahoma and the surrounding states.
Watch for Second Chance on local radio, and in the news.  We aim to take the industry by storm to bring God glory, and to show Generation Next that Christians can ROCK THE HOUSE!!!  C'Mon, Yeah!!!!
Color Pics and some Info - Who we are

Alex Frank  A.K.A. - "The Doc"

30, 5'11", Brown Hair, Loves all guitar based music, graphic arts, Internet programming, and making the Acoustic Guitar smoke.

Singer, Songwriter, Electric and Acoustic Guitars


Jamie is a senior at Enid High soon to launch into the world of business.  She has been with the band for 2 months.  Her interests include Choreography and Jail ministry.
      Alex on the other hand is a full-time Family Doctor serving the Enid area.  He has a gorgeous wife and 3 adorable kids 2,3, and 5 years old.  He has styles as varied as the true metal of the 80's and the rapcore of today.  With driving rythms and heart, this guy can play.

Jamie Hand A.K.A. -  "Jamie"


Singer, Songwriter, and Keeper of the Peace



Derrick Pemberton A.K.A. - 'D"

Lead and Rhythm Guitar, Effects Meister

Derrick eats, sleeps, and dreams of guitar.  When he isn't playing he is studying History in Alva Oklahoma.  He of course will be writing history as soon as Second Chance comes out with their debut Album in the fall
      His main influences include the fathers of blues, Stevie Ray, Jimmy, and Eric.  Watch out, this kid can fly.  You should see him Live...sssssssssizzle.


Mike Benda A.K.A. - "Dad" - Mike on the right

Lead Vocals, songwriter, and egg beater

Mike or as he wants to be called now, Michael, is a true visionary having recorded and sung for many years.  He is a veteran to this whole music game singing with a voice that seems to blend his many influences, Kansas, Journey, and Foreigner.  Look for him to sweep you off your feet with souring edgy vocals and a true gift for musical expression

Jeff Patterson A.K.A. - "Bubba"

Drums and Percussionist extraordinaire

Jeff is, believe it or not, a newly wed and she thinks he is dreamy, hehe.  Seriously, Jeff has been schooled in the study of hard knocks and brings his own brand of soul to Second Chance.  When he isn't playing drums, he is busy serving in his local church in the music ministry.
      His influences include everything from R+B to the music that got us all in trouble, Rock n Roll

Contact:  Management @ for booking

Web Design:  WebDesigns Inc. by FrankenDoktor

Last Updated: Sunday, May 7, 2000 - 3:30 p.m. Central Time
©2000 Second Chance Music.  All rights reserved.