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Do Come In.

This Is a Page Dedicated to Death.

Well, this is it - - - a place where you can give vent to all your elequently phrased philosophies and opinions, disdain and ridicule, or total lack of belief in all things relating to religion and the alleged afterlife.

To the extreme south of these words, you'll note the existance of a DeathScroll. After I've got a few opinions and different points of view, I'll display them for all you little pretties to see . . . but for the time being, whilst this site is being refined, I'd like to just see if this gets any responses. So you'll just have to chew for a bit if what you want is just to read other people's thoughts . . . go state your own first! . . . But I am on it.

And I am interested. So, if not now, you just think about what you wanna say, and come right on back; that is, of course . . . if you're bored enough to come back, and want to indulge me. The door will always be open for you to rant your face off.

Myself, personally?

I'd have to say I think the widely adored Bible is a crock; and I can't seem to convince my realist mind that there is anything out there other than oblivion. I think that what we classify as a soul is simply your personality; something that is genetically determined by your parentage and influenced by experience as you grow up. I don't think that there's any kinda place where the scum of the earth go when they die; although that's a terrible pity. Some people deserve to be damned and scream in soulless agony forever, with nothing but their own echo and rancid thoughts for company;

Or maybe be tormented by vampiric rats for all eternity . . . Or perhaps haunted by a choice demon or two until the end of days.

And of course, there's always something to be said for never-ceasing torture as well . . .

Or nasty little hell-insects . . .

But I digress. I wanted to hear your thoughts on how you wind up as one of these:

Sooooooo . . . Until Next Time.

And thanks in advance . . .

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