The following roleplay layout was created by Amy and Jennifer Haase. The main graphic was created by Jennifer Haase @ Starlight Productions! All HTML coding was done by Amy, this layout is strictly for the use of me -- Melanie Anstey and no-one else but me! If you want a gorgeous layout like this one go visit Starlight Productions and just maybe if your lucky Amy might make you one if you IM her at Mrs Mattitude. This roleplay was written by Melanie, and if you try and steal it you're a untalented piece of crap. I am NOT Trish Stratus nor am I affiliated with her or the WWE in any way.

E-Mail: melanie@last-temptation.net / XsoscandalousX@aol.com
Message Me?: XsoscandalousX / ovadaedge@hotmail.com
Visit My Site?: Last Temptation

Many years ago a man with the surname McMahon created a wrestling company like no other the World Wide Wrestling Federation [WWWF], the industry proved to be the best wrestling company in America. Soon the torch was passed down and the company was handed to Vincent Kennedy McMahon, under this new rule the WWWF changed it's name to the World Wrestling Federation [WWF] The company became even more successful by signing such superstars as Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Andre The Giant and many other hall of famers! But with the WWF riding at an all time high, nothing could top the federation! With many new superstars coming and going, the WWF became one of the most popular TV shows in the history of American television. The WWF became even more popular in the past two decades and premiered pay per views and events that are now the most anticipated events on the sports calendar. 20 years ago the WWF held it's first ever WrestleMania live from Madison Square Garden, and it still lives today. But it has been in the past decade that the WWF has proved just what it can do. In 1993 the WWF aired its first ever live weekly TV show -- Raw Is War. In the past decade we've seen superstars like Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Undertaker, Kane, Triple H, The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin and many huge names enter the company. In 1998 the WWF took another risk to bring out another TV show to coincide with Raw Is War which was aired every Monday. WWF SmackDown! then launched and entertained fans as much as Raw. In the past decade the WWF has provided us with entertainment week after week. The antics of Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Triple H and many more superstars week after week! The past decade has also provided us with the re-birth of the WWF Women's Division! In 1998 the Women's Championship was re-instated as the WWF had hired all new female competitors such as Sable, Chyna, Luna, Jacqueline and Ivory. The women's division grew bigger and bigger and soon even the boss' daughter Stephanie McMahon was the Women's Champion. Then in more recent history the Women's Division grew even larger than ever as we saw the debuts of Trish Stratus, Lita, Jazz, Victoria, Molly Holly, Torrie Wilson, Stacy Keibler and more great superstars. The Women's Division grew out of the habit of just having bra and panties matches and allowed the divas to express their creativity as they put their bodies on the line in more drastic matches like Hardcore rules. The divas became more than just eye candy and all appealed to a wider audience as competitors. One of the best success stories is the one of Trish Stratus! The blonde bombshell made her debut in 2000 as nothing more than a valet, and led Test and Albert [T&A] to many victories. The next year following an injury Trish returned at Survivor Series 2001, in a Women's Championship battle royal. Many tough divas were entered but it was Trish who won the title and her career soon began to blossom as she became the champion on another 3 different occasions. Trish also won the 'RAW X Diva of the Decade' an award that fans across the nation voted for, and out of all the divas including Chyna and Sable, Trish picked up the win. But now with the return of the WWE after a long hiatus, will Trish Stratus have what it takes to continue her streak in the WWE and continue to 'stratusfy' the fans across the world? Find out as the Queen of Stratusfaction takes on both Nidia and Stacy Keibler in a triple threat match for the WWE Women's Championship!

The scene kicks off at WWE's new house show Aggression. The show takes place from the Staples Center in Los Angeles. The fans are in their seats, and the ring team and announcers are ready for the event. The cameras begin to roll as WWE Aggression hits the airwaves. As the WWE title sequences play and then the Aggression title sequences play. As the sequence finishes and we are back inside the arena, huge pyros explode. As the dust settles and the fans take their seats the first ever WWE Aggression begins!

Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the FIRST EVER WWE Aggression! I am Jim Ross and this is my colleague Jerry 'The King' Lawler!

JR fireworks are going to explode right here tonight! This is the WWE's first ever televised event since the WWE has returned from it's long hiatus!

That's right King, and as the WWE roster has gotten rather smaller. Vince McMahon has cancelled RAW and so now we only have SmackDown! every Thursday night live on TNN! The card for the first SmackDown! is now set. John Cena and Chris Jerico battle in the main event! In a tournament for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship!

Also at SmackDown! JR...two other matches for the World title tournament...Jamie Noble/Batista go head to head as do Ted DiBiase, The Rock and Triple H in a triple threat match! But that's not all JR...coz the puppies are going to come out to play oh baby! In the first ever title match of the new WWE...Nidia, Stacy Keibler and the stratusfying Trish Stratus hook it up in another triple threat match for the WWE Women's Championship! JR, I don't know about you but I'm looking forward to that match!

As we've seen from previous WWE television, Trish Stratus is a 4 time Women's Champion here in the WWE and can she make it 5 times when she takes on Stacy and Nidia? I'm not sure about all of you guys but I think Nidia might just walk away a 1 time WWE Women's Champ!

Well you all know who my money's on! The Canadian beauty - Trish Stratus all the way JR! Trish is not only the most gorgeous diva in the WWE but she's a 4 time Women's Champion, and she's beaten divas like Jazz, Victoria, Lita and so many more! Trish is definitely going to make it 5 times this Thursday on SmackDown!

King you might just have a point there, Trish has proved herself to the fans and the staff here at the WWE, and if she can make the title for the 5th time well she just may be the best diva in the WWE to date! But King what about our main event! John Cena and Chris Jericho...the battle of the egos! Both claiming their the best, we'll find out who's gonna pick up the victory and advance in the world title tournament next week on SmackDown!

Well you all know who my money's on! The Canadian beauty - Trish Stratus all the way JR! Trish is not only the most gorgeous diva in the WWE but she's a 4 time Women's Champion, and she's beaten divas like Jazz, Victoria, Lita and so many more! Trish is definitely going to make it 5 times this Thursday on SmackDown!

[Just then the lights in the arena go dark, and Gail Kim's music blasts into the arena. The beautiful Asian-Canadian then  appears on the entrance ramp as the fans cheer ecstatically as she smiles and walks down the ramp]

Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is scheduled for one fall. Making her way down to the ring from Toronto, Ontario - Gail Kim!

[Gail Kim continues to walk down the ramp, up the steel steps and enters the ring awaiting her opponent. Once again the lights go dark and just then...
'Time To Rock and Roll' by Lil Kim blasts into the arena, and the some lights begin to circle the arena as the fans rise to their feet and give the superstar a huge applause as the infamous music belongs to none other than Trish Stratus! Trish then is seen on the entrance ramp with her arm in the air smiling at all the fans and then begins to walk down the ramp wearing her usual black leather trousers, black top, go go boots, her long coat with '100% Stratusfaction Guaranteed printed on the back and her infamous black cowboy hat! Trish waves at all the fans while walking down the ramp, and the fans continue to applaud her. She then climbs up the steel steps, and walks across the ring apron and faces the fans and raises her arm in the air, she then enters the ring via the bottom rope. She walks straight into the centre of the ring as a single spotlight gleams on the Queen of Stratusfaction! The fans again applaud tremendously as Trish removes the hat from her head and takes off her coat and hands them to referee Brian Hebner]

[The bell then rings indicating the beginning of the match! Trish and Gail on opposite sides of the ring eye each other and then both walk into the centre of the ring and shake hands. They then lock up and Gail puts more force in to it and Trish falls back against the ring ropes. They then lock up again and Trish this time pushes Gail who falls to the canvas. Trish walks over to Gail and extends her arm to help her up, but Gail trips Trish up and Trish hits the canvas nose first! Gail gets up and stands in the corner stalking Trish, Trish slowly gets up clutching her nose. She turns around to receive a death defying clothesline from the sultry Asian-Canadian! Trish struggles once again to get up, Gail Kim then grabs her by the hair and picks her up and throws her into the turnbuckle. Gail Kim then rams a knee in to the midsection of Trish several times, and then bulldogs Trish right in the centre of the ring as the fans watch in awe. Gail then sits up on the turnbuckle waiting for the Stratusfying beauty to get to her feet. Trish using the help of the ropes slowly gets up, she then sees Gail Kim perched on the turnbuckle and immediately runs over to her and steps up on the first buckle and begins to lay in some right hands on Gail. Gail is dizzy, and so Trish capitalizes with the Stratusphere takedown off the top turnbuckle! Trish gets up feeling much better and awaits Gail Kim to get up, Gail gets up and Trish hits her with a superb standing drop kick, and Gail falls to the mat again. Trish then picks up Gail and the groggy Gail Kim soon realises the predicament she's in and both Trish and Gail exchange several punches. Gail then nails Trish with a right hand and pushes her against the ropes, as Trish comes back Gail goes for a snap suplex and connects! Trish feels the impact immediately and holds her back and screams in pain. Gail picks Trish up and goes for her patented Hurricanrana Pin combination. However Trish kicks out at the count of 2]

Close call King! Gail Kim could've finished Trish off right there! Both these Canadian divas putting on an amazing performance here on the first ever WWE Aggression!

[Back in the ring, Gail Kim has just taken down Trish with the monkey toss, but Trish quickly gets up on her feet without feeling any side effects. Gail then goes for a second monkey toss but Trish counters with a kick to Gail's mid section. Trish then goes for a monkey toss of her own and Gail hits the canvas. Gail then gets up and the two once again lock up in the centre of the ring. Trish exerts all her energy and charges Gail into the ring, Gail goes for a clothesline as retaliation but Trish ducks the clothesline and Gail connects with thin air. As Gail turns back, Trish connects with a flying clothesline taking out Gail. She then picks Gail Kim up and tries to go for the Stratusfaction, but Gail counters and Trish falls flat on her back! Gail picks up Trish and tries to go for a spinning heel kick however Trish does her matrix style bend and counters the kick. She then gets up and hits the Asian belle in the side of the face with a chick kick! Gail hits the canvas, and Trish goes for the cover...1...2...thr-e...no KICK OUT! Gail kicks out of the pin fall after that amazing chick kick to the side of the face!]

Oh my god JR! I thought that would be all! Gail Kim somehow managed to kick out of that chick kick by Trish Stratus, you could here the echo all around the arena! How the hell did she manage that?

[Gail struggles to make it to her feet after that chick kick, she slowly begins to get up but is then receives a drop kick to the back and drops to the floor again! Trish grabs her by the hair and throws her half way across the ring! She then picks her up again and hits her with a swinging DDT knocking Gail out cold! She then picks her up again, and grabs her neck so that Gail is bending over, Trish then runs to the ring ropes rebounds off it and hits Gail's face in to the mat, with the Stratusfaction! Trish also hurting stumbles to her feet, and sees Gail lying on the floor after that Stratusfaction move! Trish quickly goes for the cover as referee Brian Hebner counts...1...2...3!

Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this match...Trish Stratuuuus!

Oh my god King! Trish Stratus has done it! In her debut match in the new WWE Trish Stratus has picked up a victory of Gail Kim! Will this be a sign of things to come this week on SmackDown! King? Trish Stratus just hit that fantastic Stratusfaction and picked up the victory!

JR, Trish is definitely going to walk away from that Women's Championship match this Thursday the new Women's Champion! She has just proved to the world what she is capable of by beating that Gail Kim!

[Back in the ring Trish Stratus leaves the ring, but she doesn't walk up the ramp to head backstage? She instead walks over to where Lillian Garcia is sitting and tells her to get up? She then grabs the chair and folds it and rolls back into the ring]

What the hell? Why has Trish got that chair in her hand?! What's she gonna do?

[In the ring Trish is holding the chair in high above her waiting for Gail Kim to get up. Gail still suffering the effects of the Stratusfaction, slowly gets up...as she does Trish Stratus slams the chair over the head of Gail Kim! Nearly denting the chair, Gail Kim falls to the canvas once again following that chair shot! The sickening thud continues to echo throughout the arena]

OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! I can't believe my eyes King! Trish Stratus just hit that poor defenceless Gail Kim over the head with that steel chair! Did you hear that as the chair cracked over Gail's skull? What the hell has gotten into Trish?!

[Trish in the ring, drops the chair and talks trash to Gail Kim. Referee Brian Hebner tries to get Trish out of the ring but gets a slap for his efforts! Trish totally flipped out in the ring lies next to the carcass of Gail Kim. Gail is on her front, and Trish lies next to her on her back...Trish then grabs Gail's head and extends her body into an arch shape...and applies an unusual submission move on Gail Kim! Gail Kim begins screaming and writhing in pain as Trish Stratus continues to apply the pressure to her neck! The fans are watching in disbelief as their favourite WWE diva has just flipped out before their eyes!]

Someone get some officials out here! This is disgusting! Trish Stratus has flipped out JR? Someone get out here and get her off Gail Kim!

[Some officials run down to the ring, and try and get Trish Stratus to get off Gail. They grab her arms and pull her away from the Asian-Canadian diva. Trish still with a look of anger on her face tries to struggle away from the officials. Gail is then escorted out of the ring, as some other officials keep hold of Trish. WWE then goes to a commercial break]

As WWE Aggression returns from it's commercial break we see JR and The King at ringside astonished at what just happened in the ring. The fans are distraught as Trish Stratus once their favourite WWE diva just showed off an act of aggression and hate in the ring.

Well folks, before the break, Trish Stratus defeated Gail Kim in a singles match however following the match, Trish attacked the young Gail Kim with a steel chair shot to the head and some sort of submission move! EMTs are treating Gail Kim in the back after she was choked out or something by that peculiar submission manoeuvre.

I have no clue what's gotten into Trish Stratus but I'm sure we're going to find out now, because standing by right now with Jonathon Coachman is none other than Trish Stratus.

[The cameras switch backstage where we see Jonathon Coachman standing with Trish Stratus]

Well Trish, I'm not quite sure what just happened out there, but why did you just go all psycho on Gail Kim? I mean you picked up the victory...

You know Coach, I did pick up the victory. But Gail Kim shouldn't have been such a bitch! You could see all the way through that match that Gail couldn't wait to hit that shitty little move on me and try and beat me...well not gonna happen sweetheart! I'm a 4 time WWE Women's Champion! I worked harder than ever to win that title not once...not twice...not three times...but four times, and you think I'm going to let some retarded little bitch like Gail Kim try and show me up? Quite frankly I've had it up to here with divas like Gail Kim, always expecting me to forgive and forget! But not anymore...I say screw the fans, screw Gail Kim, and screw every other diva in the WWE! Because I'm here for one reason...that's to kick some ass and become a 5 time WWE Women's Champion! I've done everything Gail Kim hasn't, I am everything that Gail Kim isn't and she thinks she can even attempt to stand up against me in the ring? Well she's sadly mistaken!

Screw the fans? [says The Coach, with a surprised look]

You heard me! I said screw the fans, what's the matter Coach? Turn your hearing aid next time! The fans have done nothing for me...fans are useless and pathetic. They just come here and try and share the glory with me every time I get a victory, but the fact is they just want to be exactly like Trish Stratus, but they're too ugly to be able to look as good as me! The fans are users, and they use me for everything I have. They think they're supporting me but they're pissing me off! Every time they cheer my name, it pisses me off more and more! They're glory hunters, just because I've had so much success in the WWE that's the only reason they love me, they wouldn't give a damn about me otherwise! The fans are just worthless pieces of crap stuck in a dead end job and watch people like...wait a minute! Why the hell am I telling all this to a dumbass prick like you when I could to tell to the idiots themselves...

[Trish pushes Coach out the way as the cameras switch back to ringside. Just then the lights go dark once again, and...
'Time To Rock and Roll' by Lil Kim blasts into the arena. The fans immediately begin to boo, a single spotlight shines on the entrance ramp. Then we see Trish Stratus emerging out of the entrance ramp and she begins to walk down the ramp ignoring the fans booing her, and just smirks and continues to walk down the ramp. She then climbs up the steel steps, and walks along the ring apron and poses, the fans boos become louder and Trish smirks and enters the ring. She then walks over to the centre of the ring where a single spotlight gleams over here, and she poses again, the fans are still booing her and she merely ignores them. She then grabs the microphone off Lillian Garcia and begins to speak.]

Blah blah blah...keep going I just love hearing your boos! God people get over yourselves! Just because you're not the centre of attention anymore, no need to have a go at me. Seriously guys, get a life or something, how sad and pathetic is it that you waste all your time booing me? I mean all I did was disown you for being such losers - no big deal! Oh fuck it! Here's the deal...you're all mindless assholes, and you waste your time sitting on your asses eating popcorn watching SmackDown! every week...what a life to live eh? Maybe just maybe you'd one day go out to the gym and maybe lose some weight? God you fat pieces of shit! Anyone wanna go and buy themselves a new box of doughnuts before I continue? I'll tell you what I'll count till 10 and then I'll carry on. 1...2...3...4...still here people?...5...6...7...8...last chance!...9...9 and a quarter...9 and a half...9 and 3 quarters....10! Okay well I'm going to carry on now and if you haven't gone off yet to buy your new box of doughnuts and another 5 hotdogs you'll have to wait until I've finished. You see unlike the other dumbasses in the back who would just break down crying without your cheers, I don't give a damn! I hate you fans...you've done nothing but envy me since I set foot in the WWE! You bunch of losers just wanna be like me, and you know it. You know you guys go home to fat ass wives who cook you cheese on toast, when you really wanna be lying next to someone like me? But all I can say is keep dreaming! Because Trish Stratus is too damn good for you! You think you'll ever have a chance to get with all this? Well think again, coz this is exclusive stuff right here! I'm not your average woman, I'm better than each and every one of you put together! But really people am I here to talk to you? NO...you see I came out here to explain my actions earlier tonight. I'm sick and tired of playing the good little girl who everyone loves to watch. I'm tired of being pushed around by all the guys and staff. I'm just fucking tired of it all! Back in the old WWE, each and every superstar in the back hated and I mean HATED Eric Bischoff, he just loved to throw his weight about and make all the guys and divas in the back feel like crap. But I've had enough of being pushed around like guys like him, and I've had enough of everyone perceiving me as a pushover and thinking that I'd just take it if I lost a match. But I'm just like everyone else...I do get pissed off, and I've had enough of it all! You see tonight you saw the beginning of a new era, a new era in the WWE and a new era in my life! I've proved to you and everyone in the back just how good I am in the ring, and just what I can do. But I've never proven anything to myself. So tonight I decided that it was time for a change! Starting tonight you saw a side of Trish Stratus that you never knew existed, you saw me take out Gail Kim and you saw a look on my face, of hate and anger. I hate people like Gail Kim! I hate people who rely on the fans support, and can't do anything for themselves. I find those people as nothing more than parasites, those kind of people make me sick! Gail Kim makes me sick! I'm an independent woman, and I don't need to rely on all your cheers to win a match, I don't give a damn what you fans think of me! You may hate me, but I've never been happier in my life. The WWE is all about ruthless aggression, well I've got ruthless aggression! I can be as cold and calculating as anyone in the back! You may have seen the sweet little innocent side of me in the past but all that is OVER! I've moved on from being more than just T&A, I've done so much in this business that some of the bitches in the back couldn't even dream about - I'm a 4 time WWE Women's Champion! That's probably more times than any of the divas backstage, I'm the WWE Diva of the Decade! I beat people like Chyna and Sable to win that award, and you can't criticize me because I've had all those accomplishments and I continue to get better day by day! I am one of the biggest success stories in the WWE Women's Division, and I continue to amaze you, with my beautiful looks, and my moves. I've done more than any other diva in the WWE, and I don't need to pose nude in Playboy, because I already am the most popular diva in the WWE, so why do I need to try and kiss up to the fans by posing nude in Playboy? Torrie only posed nude in Playboy coz she wanted attention...and she got it alright...let's face it she's a slut! Torrie Wilson posed nude in Playboy coz she thought it'd make her more popular in the WWE and make her more loved and gain her attention. But yet again who was the first diva to be signed to the new WWE? Trish Stratus! So Torrie your little 'help make me popular' routine didn't work very well huh? While the WWE's been on hiatus, I decided that it was time I went back into the training program to try and better my in ring skills, so I worked with some of the best wrestlers in the WWE and I trained for 3 months non stop, and now I'm really at my best! If you thought I was good before...well you've seen nothing yet! Because I've become more flexible, more strong, more high flying, I can wrestle under any condition! Hardcore rules, whatever I'll do it! I showcased one of my new moves earlier tonight against Gail Kim! You saw that nifty little submission move I put on the bitch? Well it's not every day that you see Trish Stratus doing submission moves but times have changed and I've gotten bigger and better! I've been learning loads of different submission moves to vary my wrestling skills, and that just turned out to be my favourite. It was an unusual move but still it made Gail Kim scream like the bitch she is! I call that move the Stratusize, not only am I amazing in the ring, but I'm pretty good at making up names too huh? The Stratusfaction...The Stratusphere...and now the Stratusize! But anyway, Gail Kim is now in hospital or something coz I choked her out boo hoo my heart bleeds! Gail Kim deserved everything she got! Gail Kim is nothing more than a slut...which brings me to my next point. You see this Thursday night on the first ever SmackDown! of the new WWE era, I've been booked in a triple threat match against the queen of trailer park trash and the ostrich legged bitch! And this match is for the most coveted prize in the Women's Division...the WWE Women's Championship! Now you all may have your favourites...but I'm telling you right now that it's going to be Trish Stratus who walks away the next WWE Women's Champion! You see it's pretty obvious that I'm gonna beat Nidia and Stacy Keibler...why? Because I've already been the Women's Champion on 4 different occasions, and back then at least my opponents could put on some good moves, but who do I have to face? Nidia and Stacy Keibler? I mean come on! I've beaten Victoria...Molly Holly...and Jazz for that title in the past and now I get to face Nidia and Stacy Keibler? They're not even worthy of facing me in the ring let alone becoming the new WWE Women's Champion! First of all we have Nidia -- the queen of trailer park trash! Nidia almost two years ago won a little show called Tough Enough...and she won herself a WWE contract. The fact is Nidia, if you hadn't been on Tough Enough you wouldn't even be in the WWE...you'd still be roaming the streets at night trying to earn a living as a prostitute. Nidia, you shouldn't have even won Tough Enough! You can't even wrestle...but yet you won Tough Enough and here you are! Nidia you haven't proven to me that you're worthy of being a WWE diva so don't even start on the Women's Championship! Since you arrived in the WWE no-one liked you, I mean you chose to align yourself with a man who repels women...Jamie Noble! Jamie Noble is a disgusting, filthy little bastard, who lives in a trailer and eats rats for dinner, and I may be the Queen of Stratusfaction...but you're the Queen of Trailer Park Trash! Both you and Jamie Noble disgust me and everyone else in the back...they should have you fumigated you both stink! Nidia, you think you're going to win the Women's Championship on SmackDown!? well you better think again, I am a 4 time WWE Women's Champion, I've proved myself to everyone out here and I'm everything you're not! I'm sexy, I'm athletic, and I'm just perfect...whereas you Nidia maybe you should think about visiting the gym with some of these fat ass low lives, and lose a little weight? Because Nidia from where I'm standing those hips are a little too wide...or maybe it's coz you've got a bun in the oven? Eew I can picture it now! The prince and princess of trailer park trash...taking after their mother and father! You know Nidia, if you are pregnant I wish you all the best of luck because you'll need it! How you and Jamie Noble would care for children is beyond me. I just hope the children don't turn out as filthy and disgusting as their parents. You know Nidia, I just hope you have a long bath before you step into the ring with me on SmackDown! and Nidia, you better come prepared, because just as usual 100% stratusfaction guaranteed...and I'll do whatever the hell I have to, to beat the crap out of you and become a 5 time WWE Women's Champion! I've never had the privilege to face you in a match before, but I can't wait to beat you this coming Thursday night! You're not gong to win the Women's Championship, and unlucky for you I guess that means no food for another month. Next we've got the twig - Stacy Keibler! Now Stacy, before I say anything else I'd just like to start off by saying...Stacy Keibler in a wrestling match? Come on Stace, you're not a wrestler...you're a valet. You shouldn't be competing in this ring, especially not with ME! Stacy, remember InVasion, the WWF versus the WCW/ECW...where me and Lita kicked the crap out of you and Torrie? Well I'm guessing you were feeling a little humiliated then huh? Well two years later here we are...I'm now a 4 time WWE Women's Champion...and you err...erm...what have you done in the past two years? You slept with Mr McMahon a couple of times on SmackDown! Then you defected from SmackDown! to RAW after sleeping with Eric Bischoff, then you slept with Test...then you slept with Scott Steiner! A lot of sleeping around Stacy, when in all that time did you actually learn how to wrestle? Because when you came here in 2001, you hadn't ever wrestled in your life, and err you were in a wrestling company at the time? You know what it's all too confusing for me. The bottom line is you're not a wrestler, you shouldn't be in the ring and you're in this Women's Championship match because? Stacy, you really have got the short end of the stuck hun, coz when you step into the ring with Trish Stratus, you better come prepared because you really don't wanna meet me in the ring if you're unprepared because I will chew you up and spit you back out. Trish Stratus always comes prepared, you can ask Gail Kim, Victoria, Jazz all those divas that if you're in the ring with Trish Stratus you either fight or get your ass kicked! I don't hold out for no-one...not even the dumbest of the dumbest e.g. Stacy Keibler! Stacy let's just hope you actually make it down to ringside, we all know how quickly you forget things. But Stacy on SmackDown! there won't be any fun and games...it's just going to be me, you and Nidia with one title on the line, and if you don't like it well tough! Because Trish Stratus is going to once again become the WWE Women's Champion, and there's nothing that Stacy Keibler, Nidia, or anyone can do about it!