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Satellite image archive:

Choose a year: 1987   1991-92   1997-98  1999-2000  2001-02   2002-03  2003-2004


Active Red Sea trough 1987:

16\10\1987 11:30 UTC

16\10\1987 11:30 UTC - Thermal satellite image.

17\10\1987 11:20 UTC

18\10\1987 11:05 UTC


Heavy snow above 300 meters across Israel:

31\12\1991 06:00 UTC  

31\12\1991 01:00 UTC

1\1\1992 12:15 UTC  

In this satellite image, you can see the snow that fell on 1\1\92 in the Golan Heights, Gallilee, Samaria & Jueudea and more.

4\1\1992 11:00 UTC  


Active Red Sea trough 1997: Golf ball size hail fell in Be'er Sheva and accumulated up to 10 cm.

18\10\1997 11:50 UTC- north -

18\10\1997 11:50 UTC - south 

Pictures from this storm - David shohami

Deepest low pressure system ever recorded in Israel- 986 millibar. It caused a severe dust storm with visibility less than 30 meters. This "sharav low" turned into a major winter system with heavy snows in the mountains on the 18-19 of march.

15\3\1998 11:40 UTC noaa-14 APT

15\3\1998 11:40 UTC noaa-14

16\3\1998 11:20 UTC noaa-14 APT

16\3\1998 11:20 UTC noaa-14

17\3\1998 11:20 UTC noaa-14 APT

17\3\1998 11:20 UTC noaa-14


Heavy snow storm in Israel. Over 25 centimeters of snow in Jerusalem.

27\1\2000 13:00 UTC Noaa 14 APT

28\1\2000 13:00 UTC Noaa 14 APT

28\1\2000 13:00 UTC Noaa 14 Full 

29\1\2000 13:00 UTC Noaa 14 - Snow cover. It is a little hard to see the snow because of the cloud cover.


 Heavy rains across the country from a strong  low pressure system over Cyprus. 300  millimeters fell in Zihron Yaakov in one day!! 

3\12\2001 11:00 UTC

Another deep low pressure over Cyprus with cold polar air brought snow to the Hermon, Golan, and  the Upper Galilee.

7\1\2002 11:40 UTC


First Sub-Tropical of the season over Israel brought cirrus clouds to our area.

23\9\2002 11:20 UTC

24\9\2002  11:20 UTC

Between the 15-16 of October at midnight, a huge CB crossed the coastline from Ashkelon till Hadera. This active CB brought heavy rains and 7 cm hail in Tel-Aviv!! 10-30 millimeters of rain fell. A combination between warm Red Sea trough and a cold caused this severe weather.

15\10\02 14:02UTC 

16\10\02 02:24UTC - thermal

17\10\02 07:40UTC

18-19 october 2002: Dust from the Syrian desert covered Israel.

18\10\02 11:45UTC 

19\10\02 08:15UTC

19\10\02 11:35UTC

Active Red Sea trough again in our area. High & Mid level clouds developed across israel

28\10\02 08:30 UTC- Noaa- 17 

 28\10\02 11:30 UTC - Noaa- 16 - In the left corner you can see the eruption of mount Etna.

29-10-2002 08:00 UTC - Noaa-17


30_10_02_23-40UTC-thermal image


30_10_02_23-40UTC-ch3 full size

31_10_02_11-10UTC-n-16 full

31_10_02_11-10UTC-n-16 apt

Active Red Sea trough again in our area. High & Mid level clouds developed across israel:

28\10\02 08:30 UTC- Noaa- 17 

 28\10\02 11:30 UTC - Noaa- 16 - In the left corner you can see the eruption of mount Etna.

29-10-2002 08:00 UTC - Noaa-17


Heavy rains ,thunderstorms, and flooding in southern parts of Israel. (Active Red Sea trough):  

30_10_02_23-40UTC-thermal image


30_10_02_23-40UTC-ch3 full size

31_10_02_11-10UTC-n-16 full

31_10_02_11-10UTC-n-16 apt

Nice and stable weather across Israel and the region:

2-11-2002 07:50 UTC, Noaa-17

Sub tropical jet stream over Israel. Humidity  in the mid and upper layer of the atmosphere brought high clouds straight from the tropics. A deep low pressure system is over Greece, is causing heavy rains and thunderstorms.

7\11\2002 12:00 UTC - Meteosat 

7\11\2002 11:30 UTC - Noaa 16 - Mediterranean sea 

7\11\2002 11:30 UTC - Noaa-16

Weak low pressure brings produces 15-20 mm of rain. 

12\11\02 07:50 UTC - Noaa-17

12\11\02 07:50 UTC - Noaa-17 - APT

High pressure system dominating  the eastern Mediterranean:

15\11\02 08:05 UTC - Noaa-17

Strong winds (80-90 kph in the north)  heavy rains and thunderstorms from high and mid level clouds: 

29\11\02 07:50 UTC - Noaa 17

29\11\02 07:50 UTC - Noaa 17 - APT format

29\11\02 12:00 UTC - Meteosat

30\11\02 06:00 UTC - Meteosat

30\11\02 07:30 UTC - Noaa 17

30\11\02 07:30 UTC - Noaa 17 - APT format

30\11\02 11:30 UTC - Noaa 16

30\11\02 11:30 UTC - Noaa 16 - APT format

29-30\11\2002 - Meteosat cloud animation.

Deep low pressure system (993 millibars) - Heavy rains; 100 kph winds; snow in the north above 850 meters:

20\12\2002 - 08:20 UTC - Noaa-17 - APT                (138 kb)

20\12\2002 - 08:20 UTC - Noaa-17 -  Full size          (large 930 kb)

20\12\2002 - 11:20 UTC - Noaa-16 -APT                 (115 kb)

20\12\2002 - 11:20 UTC - Noaa-16 - Full size            (large 909 kb)

Meteosat animation - Cold front crossing Israel, downpoaring 70-100 millimeters of rain in less than 5 hours.  (large file- 1.19 mb)

22\12\02 - Satellite image of snow coverage.

29\1\2003 07:30 UTC- heavy rains in the north, over 100 mm in some parts, heavy snow in the hermon

27\1\2003 11:30 UTC- local rain in the north

31\1\2003- snow in the Hermon

 heavy dust storm across Israel:

2\2\2003 06:00 UTC

2\2\2003 08:10 UTC

2\2\2003 11:20 UTC

2\2\2003 08:30UTC- noaa-17 - dust

2\2\2003 08:30UTC- noaa-17 - dust - APT format

5\2\2003 08:10 UTC

7\2\2003 snow in the Hermon

7\2\2003 11:00UTC noaa-16

7\2\2003 11:00UTC noaa-16 APT format

11\2\2003 11:55 UTC noaa-16: Jet stream

12\2\22003 11:50 UTC noaa-16 APT format deep low pressure system in the Mediterranean sea

13\2\2003 11:30 UTC noaa 16- low pressure system 

13\2\2003 11:30 UTC noaa 16- low pressure system APT format

deep low pressure, heavy rains, strong winds, heavy snow in mountains above 500 meters:

24\2\03 11:20 UTC noaa-16 apt format

24\2\03 11:20 UTC noaa-16 

25-2-03 11:20 UTC noaa-16

25-2-03 11:20 UTC noaa-16 APT format

27-2-03 8:20 UTC noaa-17

1-3-03 11:00 UTC snow coverage

Another deep low pressure system, which brings heavy rains. the deep pressure system caused a dust storm across Israel:

18\3\2003 08:30 UTC Noaa-17

18\3\2003 08:30 UTC Noaa-17 APT format

A low pressure system develops in the eastern Mediterranean. Sub tropical and polar jet stream over Israel:

24\3\2003 11:20 UTC Noaa-16 APT format

24\3\2003 11:20 UTC Noaa-16

24\3\2003 07:30 UTC Noaa-17 APT format

24\3\2003 19:20 UTC Noaa-17

25\3\03 11:00 UTC Noaa-16

25\3\03 11:00 UTC Noaa-16 APT format


First rain of the winter season:

3\10\2003 00:30 UTC Noaa-16

3\10\2003 08:30 UTC Noaa-17




Related links:

David Shohami's -  Israel's leading Storm chaser website.

Records in Israel - Boaz weather forecasting website - (Direct link) 



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