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'; var k_sinkstr = ",location,menubar,resizable,scrollbars,status,toolbar"; var brill_corns = nunerror && cockRobin; var nn4pants = ''; var can = null; var tw = 500; var th = 300; var jsWin = null; var w_LiteName = 'NumbHURLListfromSMU'; var w_MiniName = 'NumbSURLListfromHU'; window.onerror = null; function rW( w, h ) { if (!nonerror) return; if (document.layers) { window.outerWidth = w; window.outerHeight = h; nn4pants++; } else resizeTo( w, h); } // end rW() function bA() { alert("**** NOTE ****\n" + "This page is designed for viewing \n" + "with either an Internet Explorer 4+ \n" + "or Netscape Navigator 4+ browser. "); } // end bA() function tg() { var fe = "top=0,left=0,width=200,height=200"; if (nn4) {d_bw = w_MiniName} jsWin ="small/usmall.html", d_bw, fe); jsWin.focus(); top.window.close(); } //end tg() var NNRec = (navigator.appName == "Netscape" && parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4); var isMSRec = (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" && parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4); var nn4 = (navigator.appName == "Netscape" && parseInt(navigator.appVersion) == 4); if( NNRec || isMSRec ) { if (nunerror) { if ( != w_LiteName) { if (blujae) { if (cockRobin) th = 500; if (john_henry) { tw = 500; th = 380; } //rW(tw, th); var lp = (window.screen.availWidth-tw)/2 ; var tp = (window.screen.availHeight-th)/2 ; //window.moveTo(lp, tp); } } } } else { ba(); } // end if (bc) var fWinRef = null; function setupFW( Wurl, name, num ) { fWinRef = popupFlashWin1; if (num == 2) { fWinRef = popupFlashWin2; } else if (num == 3) { fWinRef = popupFlashWin3; } if (fWinRef != null) { if (fWinRef.opener == null) { fWinRef.opener = self; } fWinRef.location.href = Wurl; //fWinRef.focus(); setTimeout('fwFo(fWinRef)',100); } // end if(fWinRef) } // end setupFW() function fwFo(whd) { if (whd != null) { whd.focus(); } } // end fwFo() var popupFlashWin1 = null; var popupFlashWin2 = null; var popupFlashWin3 = null; var topleft = ',left=0,top=0'; function oFW( FWurl, wd, ht, name, num ) { var FWnam = "_blank"; var setStr1 = "height=" + ht + ",width=" + wd + ",resizable,status" + topleft; var setStr2 = "height=" + ht + ",width=" + wd + ",scrollbars" + topleft; var setStr3 = "height=" + ht + ",width=" + wd + ",resizable,toolbar,scrollbars,status" + topleft; var setStr4 = "height=" + ht + ",width=" + wd + k_sinkstr + topleft; if(name != "" && name != null ) { FWnam = name; } if (num == 2) { popupFlashWin2 = ("", FWnam, setStr2); } else { if ( num == 3 ) { popupFlashWin3 = ("", FWnam, setStr3); } else { popupFlashWin1 = ("", FWnam, setStr1); } } setupFW( FWurl, name, num); } // end oFW() // -->
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