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tuesday | 17|6|2003


attended school yesterday with both my parents. my position in class was 26! could you believe that? gotta brush up alot in my studies. only scored an 'a' for english. flu + headache + stomachache struck me the same day. how awful. so, after i came back from school, i slept 'til late night. luckily today the flu and headache subside. what a day? i'm ban from touching the computer. *freaky*. well, i don't give a damn. this is my life. nothing much to blog anyways. ooh yea. finally i watched 'finding nemo'. quite a cool cartoon to watch. bla. bla. bla..

i'm already boring with my life you know. its like i'm always complaining bout my pathetic life, like there's nothing else better to crap. i really need a life. i barely chill out my my buddies. just see them in school, smile, crap and vice versa. damn.

plugs - to the almighty lord! oh you really gave a so-called life.

felt like an idiot @ 9.52 PM -

tuesday | 17|6|2003


hmmm.. i hardly blog. that's what best describe me = lazy. life has been better. on monday, i was elected as the ict prefect. wohoo. now i have a place to laze when i skip class. i hardly enter class these days. just lazing around the computer lab. studying is boring. we all should live life to the fullest. i'm gonna get lecturing from my dad this friday. cause of the open day in school. my result sux. flunked moral. *happy*. luckily moral isn't counted in my position. kekeke.

today we played scrabble in class. tomorrow we shall gamble. muahahaha. i'm bringing the cards to school. and i'm staying back in school with a couple of my friends to watch 'finding nemo'. i'm working on a webbie for my class.

plugs - still no one..

felt like an idiot @ 9.52 PM -


i just came back from camerons on sunday. well, nothing much really happened there. but the fun thing was.. i won the gambling. haha. the equatorial hotel sucks too. nothing nice there. then there's school on monday. exam results = sucks. been really hardworking these days. finishing up my folios'. new layout is up. damn i'm so uncreative. i'm still confused with using frames. dreamweaver always terminate itself when i'm editing the frames. *sigh*. ahh btw, failed my moral. T_T. i'm a boring person. just don't know how to live life to the fullest. .... i shall go and sleep!

plugs - no one..

felt like an idiot @ 9.52 PM -

thursday | 5|6|2003


at last, a break. tomorrow morning i'm leaving for camerons. hope that it'll relieve all my stress. yesterday, i received a phone call from my friend saying that i have to attend school today morning. found out it was some living skills project we have to do. after school, i went to the salon to straighten my hair. it worked out; but now i regret doing it. it's like blerrgh. it sucks. i still prefer my not-so-curly hair. then, i applied for tmnet streamyx. i really need this broadband access. i was overwhelmed when they told me my housing area is available for streamyx cos i'm using the fibreoptic line. hmm, quite alot happened today. wait til i get new stories from my trip.

this layout is just momentarily. i just couldn't figure out what to put on my site. it's damn boring. i'm learning how to use frames now. hope i'll get it done soon.

plugs - thanks to arches and pohlin for commenting. and to michelle as well.

felt like an idiot @ 8.41 PM -

sunday | 1|6|2003


i just feel really exhausted these days. i've been encoutering alot of family problems and of course my own problems. now, this keeps me worried. yesterday i stayed up quite late thinking alot. just don't have the mood to do anything. really. i'm just lucky i have a place to pour my feelings. my blog. i just don't have the guts to tell anyone my problem. maybe friends, but they'll not understand me completely. i don't even know who's my real friends. maybe it's only my petbro which understands me. life has really thought me something. now i'm not even sure of what should i be feeling. should i be sad or happy? you tell me. my own problems, well, can be said that its stupid that i commited to it. after all it's been said and done. i just don't understand why humans have to behave like that? i just hate the fact that i have a lot of problems unsolved.

i just feel like escaping to somewhere else where i don't know anyone. maybe to the suburbans where i can release my tensions. there i can have a piece of mind. just hate my life. i just need a getaway alone. i'm just tired and i need some rest. well, dilemma is what i'm in now!

felt like an idiot @ 12.36 PM -

thursday | 29|5|2003


today was a hazard i swear. i've been staring at this filthy screen for the whole day just to complete this layout. glad it is finally done. well, exams over. got a peek at my maths mark. i only scored 66% for it. how awful. the sweet smell of holiday has finally arrived. almost forgotten what it's like to blog, i guess i'm back.. for now. because i just feel lazy to blog. this week has been a unbelievable week. some weird things just came up. only you knows what happen. haha. just felt arguously stupid of what happened. damn it. i got my lj last few weeks. haven't even post anything. to those who wants my lj add; please mail me. i'll be posting soon. kinda forgot my lj add too. haha. just don't know what has gotten into me. i'm so boring these days. not doing anything. and i'm lazy to blog cos nothing much has really happen.

damn how does this layout looks? it sux to me. i just don't know what to pour in here. my mind is blank. and i finally got josh groban's album.

felt like an idiot @ 8.51 PM -

thursday | 22|5|2003


8 years ago, i,
- was a 7 year old kiddo
- entered std. 1
- was naughty in class
- am in an all boys school
- lied alot

6 years ago, i,
- changed into a co-ed school
- met plenty of friends which i still know today
- met my best friend

3 years ago, i,
- was a studious freak
- had no life but study
- had my first crush
- scored all As for UPSR

1 year ago, i,
- had a major discipline problem
- was a rebel
- hate all the teachers
- mixed with a bunch of idiots
- was a nasty guy

this year, i,
- got into a good class
- was still a rebel
- met new friends
- had another crush
- crap alot
- had no life
- started blogging
- have alot of petsis and one petbro

yesterday i,
- copied in exam

felt like an idiot @ 2.26 PM -

urbanlife | versh 3
this page you're reading is where this guy logs about his pathetic life. if you stumbled into this very page of him, you may or may not know him. he is a 15 year old carefree lad. currently a high school student. this is a beginning of his new chapter of life. you can contact him at ryunsm00 [at]

the guy in disguise

known as SengMing. residing in Malaysia. am a rebellious high school student. currently at the age of 15. a saggitarius. i'm a computer freak and a music addict. i have a good sense of humor and crappy. very witty. a loser in studies. i'm annoying, a disturbance, cruel, daring, evil, and of course friendly at times and the list goes on.

icq :: 138948600
hotmail :: ryunsm00 [at]
aim :: urb4nlif3

-- josh groban > alejate
-- josh groban > canto alla vita
-- josh groban > the prayer
-- josh groban > let me fall
-- josh groban > un amore per sempre
-- josh groban > to where you are
-- josh groban > you're still you
-- josh groban > gira con me
-- evanescence > bring me to life
-- linkin park > numb

this blog
disclaimer > this layout you are currently reading is the third layout since urbanlife was born. i don't think my site is nice or whatsoever. but to me it's fine. this is where i pour my daily crap.

credits > to angelfire for being a reliable host. and to all my blog friends who gave me courage and i learnt alot from my mistake by the comments i got. and to enetation for the comment thingy.

works > layout/code is mostly done and edited with macromedia dreamweaver mx and adobe photoshop 7. best viewed with microsoft internet explorer 5+ and at least 800 x 600 resolution, and high colour mode. please take note that other browsers such as netscape and opera may not support.

wonderful people
guys > evan / arches / drew / ian / daniel / tom
gals > pohlin / esther / mellissa / alexis

shout outs!
powered by:

click (this) for smilies

[a punching bag]
alone I hang,
3 feet from ground,
outshining them all with my coat of red,
but alas,
who am i kidding?

i see hatred, anger, frustration,
in the eyes of those who face me,
but wait,
these feeling i see,
i see no more,
for now it is contentment.

they punch and jab,
at my body of steel,
like men possesed by demons,
but alas,
who am i kidding?

when night falls,
and the doors are shut,
i hang helplessly,
3 feet from the ground,
i feel the pain and sorrow,
i feel their anger and hatred,
but who will ever know,
how i feel inside!

[love is life]
life runs in a cycle,
it's rather miserable,
yet unpredictable,
love, now a universal birth,
from heart to heart stealing,
from man to earth,
from earth to man,
it is the honour of feelings,
in life,
it is easy to find the one you love,
who loves you in return.

[i remember]
remembrance builds a little pathway,
that meanders through my heart,
a beautiful gentle trail,
that makes you stand apart

of all the memories i hold close and dear,
you're quite the very best,
and if you ask me why, i'd say
"you're different from the rest"

i know you'll always be,
forever close to me,
and in my torn heart, your face
will always hold a special place

everytime i feel depressed,
everytime i feel oppressed,
in my troubles and in my trials,
comfort comes from all your smiles

we did countless things together,
and thought we could go on forever,
living life to it's fullest,
wishing time would lose it's selfishness

please do tell me the reasion,
don't stay away,
why i think of you each day?
why i seem to feel this way?

thinking through i now surmise,
it's just that i love you...
surprise, surprise

got any ideas on your mind. wanna comment? send to ryunsm00 [at] thanks.