< AsianAvenue.com - Sweetiepinai's Personal Page

learning and growing every day thanks to baby girl Kira... sometimes things are just meant to be...

UPDATED!!! Wait for the song to download...

i've learned that... angry people will never find peace... and i'm thankful that i'm not an angry person...

I am: Michelle Lyn, a 26 year old Filipina reborn every October 23. Born and raised in Winterpeg, Manitoba. Completed my Computer Engineering degree and currently working for IBM . Mother of one amazing baby girl, Kira Melissa, born on July 3, 2003.
My motto for the month: Life is totally unexpected... but cherish those unpredictable times.. cuz that's what makes the ride worthwhile...

A Few Things About Me...

My Reason For Living
The reason I live and breath. Kira Melissa Mariano. She's 2 now. Things that she can do now?.. hmm... she's singing songs that I didn't know until was going to school!! This girl is a Mensa chick waiting to happen!! She's just amazing.. and i can't stop thanking my God for blessing me with her all the days of my life... I'm going to love you with every part of me... from the moment u opened ur eyes.. to the moment.. i close mine...

My Hobby
November 19, 2005: Bourbon opened up their poker room again! Wow... well.. I'm pretty much out of the scene now.. retired .. or just taking a break.. i dunno.. we'll see.. but i'm happy that i'm not spending all my time there... it takes me away from all the amazing things that have been happening in my life... but i will always love you guys down there...

November 19, 2005: Well... wow.. what can i say... who would have thought that over the summer, so many things can change... just when you think that life can't get any worse... something or someone comes along and makes you realize that life is worth living for again.. and that everything is going to be okay... i know that there are going to be rough times ahead.. given my past.. and whether we like it or not.. other people's opinions and judgements... but i'm willing to face those obstacles.. cuz it'll be all worth it in the end .. when we can finally say.. we made it... even with everyone laughing in our faces and routing for us to fail.. we made it...

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