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Recently in the World Wrestling Championship Federation, many new talent has been signed over the last week, including the daughter of WWCF RAW Owner, Vincent Kennedy McMahon! Also recently, WWCF RAW took place, and what an event it was The Kat and Torrie Wilson took on Stacy Keibler and Victoria! What kind of impact will Stephanie McMahon have when she arrives to the WWCF? Will she return to the wrestling industry as a wrestler or will Vince McMahon shock us and announce Stephanie as a staff member? All will be revealed!

The scene kicks off at a sold out Halifax Metro Centre in Nova Scotia, Canada! The crowd are pumped up for the WWCF Aggression houseshow, the opening title sequences play accompanied by 'Bring Me To Life' by Evanescence! The title sequences then finish and huge pyros explode across the sold out arena! The fans cheer at the top of their voices as  Jim Ross and Jerry 'The King' Lawler are standing by at ringside, calling all the action!

'Good Ole JR' Jim Ross: Ladies and gentlemen welcome to WWCF Aggression! We are live in Nova Scotia, Canada! King, RAW took place last night, and what a RAW it was! Torrie Wilson and The Kat picked up a victory over Stacy Keibler and Victoria!

'The King' Jerry Lawler: JR, what an amazing match that was! Stacy Keibler, Torrie Wilson and The Kat...oh baby [gets excited] Wouldn't it have been fun if one of them got spanked?

'Good Ole JR' Jim Ross: Eer not really, I'm a happily married man King! However, that doesn't concern you so swiftly moving on! We have it on good authority that a new diva has been signed to the WWCF! Stephanie McMahon is set to join the WWCF...we know that her father Vince McMahon owns the WWCF and her brother Shane McMahon is in charge of the divas roster, but will she return as an active superstar or will she become a member of staff? Either way, it's been too long since we last saw Stephanie in this ring and she is a McMahon, wrestling runs in her blood and Stephanie is surely going to make an impact upon her arrival to the World Wrestling Championship Federation!

'The King' Jerry Lawler: JR, I couldn't have said it better myself! Stephanie McMahon an amazing woman! She is not only an accomplished wrestler, but also a fantastic business woman just like her father, mother and her brother! But when will she be making her debut to the WWCF? And what role will she play!

[Just then the cameras switch to the parking lot where a long stretch limousine arrives, with 'B1TCH' on the licence plate. The chauffeur comes out of the drivers seat door and opens the passenger seat door at the back of the limo! The person first takes their feet out and puts them on the ground and we see some black Gucci sandals, and then the person gets out the limo and the camera zooms into the figure and slowly moves it's way up, we see a black knee length skirt and as the camera moves up we see the figure is wearing a white shirt and a black jacket, then the camera moves up and we see that the figure is none other than former WWE SmackDown! General Manager, Daddy's Little Girl...Stephanie McMahon!]

'The Billion Dollar Bitch' Stephanie McMahon: Well Tony [looking at the limo driver] that was a very...shall I say interesting ride? Thank you so very much, but if you'll excuse me I have some business to attend to! Here are some tickets to the show and some backstage passes to meet all the superstars [hands the driver some tickets and passes] And I'll see you back out here after the show!

[Stephanie, grabs her bag and coat and begins to walk into the arena leaving the limo driver behind. She keeps walks into the sold out Halifax Metro Centre and the fans cheer]

'Good Ole JR' Jim Ross: Oh my god King! Stephanie McMahon's here at WWCF Aggression! What the hell is going to go down? She said she has some business to attend to? What could that business be!

[The scene switches once again to the backstage area, as we Stephanie McMahon standing in front of someone's locker room door! Just then WWCF goes to a commercial break]

[After the break, we return to the backstage area, and we are inside Vince McMahon's office and he is on his cell phone. All of a sudden there is a knock at the door]

'WWCF Owner' Vince McMahon: Come in

[a figure walks in as Vince McMahon is still sitting on the couch talking on the phone, he then looks up and sees Stephanie McMahon standing there with her arms crossed]

'WWCF Owner' Vince McMahon: [to the person on the phone] I'm going to have to call you back later, some urgent business has just come up! [Vince then hangs up the phone] Stephanie what are you doing here? You know you don't have to be here tonight! Take a seat, make yourself comfortable! Want me to order you a coffee?

'The Billion Dollar Bitch' Stephanie McMahon: I think I'm fine standing, and no I don't want a coffee! Dad, I came here tonight on a business call not a social call! The only reason I signed a contract with your new business venture is coz I want to be able to feel the excitement of being in that ring in front a crowd of millions! [fans cheer] I didn't do this for you nor Shane! I did it for me and my fans. Dad, you screwed me out of a job as GM of SmackDown! back in the WWE, and frankly I'm over it now! But I am here in the WWCF because I miss being in the wrestling business, this is where my blood lies!

'WWCF Owner' Vince McMahon: Stephanie, what happened in the WWE is in the past, I'm sorry for what happened, but you're my little girl and you always will be! But I can't offer you a staff position in the WWCF, we've got it all covered, I'm sorry. Steph, I know you signed a contract and you probably want to be a general manager or something but we have enough members of staff!

'The Billion Dollar Bitch' Stephanie McMahon: Dad, just shut up and let me talk! I don't want a staff fact I'm going to go out to that ring and explain my presence in the WWCF in public!

[Stephanie walks out of Vince's office leaving Vince stunned! The cameras then switch back to ringside as the fans get hyped up for Stephanie McMahon!]

'Good Ole JR' Jim Ross: King, just 24 hours after WWCF RAW, Stephanie McMahon is here in the WWCF! And she said she was going to explain her presence in public? What's she going to say when she comes out here?

'The King' Jerry Lawler: Well JR, we knew Stephanie was coming to the WWCF, but I had no idea she would debut here tonight! She looks totally different!

[Just then the lights go dark in the Halifax Metro Centre, and blue lights begin to circle the arena! Then all of a sudden
#...I'm all grown up now, and I listen and learn...#
'All Grown Up' blasts into the arena, and the fans yell and whistle, then we see a blue spotlight circling the entrance ramp and the next thing we see is a figure blacked out. The figure then begins to walk down the ramp, and we see it is none other than The Billion Dollar Bitch...Stephanie McMahon! Stephanie stops half way down the ramp and holds her arms out in there and poses! Just then huge pyros explode behind her, the fans whistle and cheer and Stephanie continues to walk down the ramp.

'The Angelic Voice' Lillian Garcia: Ladies and gentlemen making her way down to the ring, the daughter of WWCF Owner...Miss Stephanie McMahon!

[Stephanie then walks up the steel steps and enters the squared circle via the bottom rope, she then immediately walks over to the centre of the ring, and poses by extending her arms in the air! The fans cheer for the former WWE GM, and she walks around the ring waving at all the fans! She then walks over to ring announcer Lillian Garcia, Lillian hands the microphone to Stephanie. Stephanie then walks back into the centre of the ring, and puts the microphone up to her lips, the fans cheer and wait anxiously to hear what Stephanie has to say.]

'The Billion Dollar Bitch' Stephanie McMahon: Well, well, well! First of all thank you ever so much, for that applause! You know when sometimes you turn your back on something, and then like a year later you find that you just can't stay away? Well that's what I feel like! After being screwed out a job by my very own father...I wanted to turn my back on the wrestling business and take up something else, but I just couldn't do it! Wrestling runs in my family, it runs in my blood and I'd be damned if I let one action by my father put me out of this business for good! My father and my personal relationship outside this federation is different from our work relationship, however I have decided to forgive and forget about that incident, and move on! It's been such a long time time since I've been in this ring, and many of you including my father Vince McMahon, may be wondering why I have returned to the wrestling industry, and signed a contract to the WWCF! I'll tell you why in just a few minutes! First of all, you can probably tell from my new look that I am NOT a stupid little slut as I was in my WWE days! Since I signed as the GM of SmackDown! back in the WWE, I decided that I wasn't going to be pushed around by anyone! And so I have taken control of my career, and I am all grown up now! I am not daddy's little girl. I am now a woman, and I am not the vulnerable little bitch I once was, I looked at myself long and hard and I made a change, for the better! I don't need to get by on my father's money, food, and housing! I have my own money and I can do whatever the hell I want! But Dad, I've done a lot of bad things in my time...but not as much as you! I didn't want to turn out to be a cold, heartless bastard just like you! So I've changed my evil ways, and I've done the right thing! As GM of SmackDown! I was fare and concise, and you screwed me out of a job because you hated the nice side of me! So I was pissed off and I left you and your stupid little wrestling ventures! But I have to hand it to you, when you first told me about the WWCF, I thought it was going to be a major flop just like the WWE! But Dad, you proved me wrong, and I've forgotten everything that's happened between us! I'm not your little girl anymore but I want to be part of the WWCF! However, looking back I realised, that the one thing I always have been and always will be is worth a billion dollars! But the phrase 'The Billion Dollar Princess' just wasn't good enough for me! Coz I am all grown up now! So just to show you that I'm not one to mess with I am now going to call myself 'The Billion Dollar Bitch!'

Now onto why I decided to return to the wrestling business! I signed a contract with the WWCF not for my father, not for my brother but for me and my fans! My father seems to think I want a 'staff' position, but Dad after the last time I was in charge I don't think I want to work for you as a staff member! You see in the time I've been away from the wrestling industry, I was doing all sorts of things...movies, TV appearances, magazine interviews! At one point I was going to even create my own wrestling brand to compete against my father and one day maybe put him out of business! But then I began to think about all the good times I had in the WWE, and everything that I'd been through! Everything from being married to Triple H, to co-owning the Alliance, to owning the WWE SmackDown! brand! I had a long and illustrious career, and I wanted nothing more than to return to all my friends and even my family in the WWE, but the WWE then became the WWCF and so I decided that I would sign a contract with my father! Now, when I signed that contract it was an open contract meaning my position here in the WWCF was yet to be decided! Now, I had no intention in becoming a staff member because face it I can't be bothered to go through all that again! So, after I signed my WWCF contract I took extensive wrestling training with some of the best trainers in this business! And now I am ready to get into this ring and become an active wrestler! I have been through so much, but I haven't actually competed in this ring as an active wrestler, so the past week I've been perfecting my finishing move - the Billion Dollar Kick, and I'm here and ready to kick anyone's ass who gets in my way! That's right I am becoming a WWCF Diva! And I will prove to the world that I am not just a business woman or a slut, I will prove to the world I can wrestle and I can do it with style [fans cheer] I don't care who I have to face in this ring! Whether it is Torrie Wilson, Trish Stratus, Victoria, Stacy Keibler or The Kat! I am Stephanie McMahon and I am 101% Bitch and Attitude! So ladies please piss me off because it'd be my honor to beat the hell out of you in this ring! I don't do gimmick matches like all the other girls! I don't do bra and panties, paddle on the pole or anything of that sort! I am a wrestler and I'm going to do what I do best besides being a business woman and that's kicking ass in this ring!

I mean, no offence we have a fantastic divas roster! All of which are from the old WWE! Torrie Wilson for instance, Torrie was the fan favorite diva on SmackDown! and she was the most wanted diva in the WWE, however it's a shame her wrestling skills aren't as high as her popularity! I had to book Torrie in little gimmick matches because she couldn't handle the heat to compete in proper matches, now she's here in the WWCF and her in-ring skills have improved! She can get in this ring and take a lot of crap from her opponents! Then we have Trish Stratus, former WWE Women's Champion...she went from valet to wrestler! Me and Trish have had our problems in the past, and yes I did kick her ass at No Way Out 2001, but Trish has come a long way since then! Trish was a former champion, and she was a force to be reckoned with! She gets into this ring, and she kicks ass! Her and I have a lot in common, and yes we have been through a lot together. But Trish with all due respect, I have come a long way myself, and now I intend on becoming a more active wrestler, and Trish now we are more experienced in the ring, maybe we should see how you size up to me now? [fans cheer] Then we have The Leggy Stacy Keibler! I don't have anything nice to say about you Stacy! Basically you're just a stupid little screwed me over in the WWE and defected to RAW with Eric Bischoff, and I will never forgive you for that! Basically you're just a worthless little slut! And the sooner people realise that the better! Next up we have Victoria [smirks] God Vic, you say you're a 'bitch' and you're 'hardcore' well you have no idea about being a bitch! I wrote the book on being a bitch! When it comes to being a bitch, I perfect it! You have no idea what I could do to you if I put my mind to it, Victoria you play the aggressive act, but the fact plain and simple is, I could kick your ass at the snap of my finger! [crowd cheer] Then we have Stacy Carter...The Kat! Former WWE Women's Champion, and well frankly in-ring abilities could improve a whole lot more! Kitty, there's a lot of potential there, but you just need to apply yourself to what you do and prove me wrong, and prove to me that you can wrestle! But the fact of the matter is Stephanie McMahon...The Billion Dollar Bitch! Has arrived in the WWCF and I'm going to beat each and every diva on the roster, and I will become the next WWCF Women's Champion! Why? Because I can! I can wrestle in this ring and I can hang with all the other divas, and when it's all said and done...Stephanie McMahon always comes out on top!

['All Grown Up' plays into the arena, and Stephanie drops the microphone! The fans cheer as Stephanie waves to all the fans as she leaves the ring and begins to walk up the ramp backstage]

'Good Ole JR' Jim Ross: King, Stephanie McMahon has announced that she is now part of the WWCF Divas roster? As in she is going to wrestle?

'The King' Jerry Lawler: JR, I know Stephanie wasn't the world's greatest wrestler from what we've seen in the past! But I think Stephanie has changed! Maybe she has improved her in-ring skills...I have a lot of faith in her!

'Good Ole JR' Jim Ross: Well folks, if you've just joined us Stephanie McMahon made her debut here in the WWCF, and she is going to be an active wrestler from now on! Stephanie has undergone extensive training and now she is going to be an active wrestler! I admire her athleticism and charisma but how will she be in the ring? We'll have to find out soon!

[The scene fades into a commercial break]