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Southern Lions S.C. PROFILE


( SLSC Club Founder )

An original 80`s Mod and Founder of the SLSC back in 1983 in conjunction with 3 other Fermoy lads Ollie Llewellyn, Gary Geaney & Ger Burke with 'Fritz' Fitzgibbon and Kev Elliot from Limerick. PJ prided in his PX125E which he drove to the four corners of Ireland almost until he then joined the Irish Army in 1985.

PJ later served with the 'United Nations' in Southern Lebanon (UNIFIL) during 1986. He left the Irish Defence Forces in 1988 and went to London where he worked for security with the BBC . Not content with that line of work, he decided to read law. A people person, he decided to join the British Prison Service, where he still now works as a Governor. Despite this P J has never forgotten his Mod & Ska roots and regularly listens to "Mod Gods" (that's not limited to The Moment!) His favourite bands were and still are Squire, TheGents, Moment, Purple Hearts, The Jam & All that is =Ska. He once said his best Mod moment was when he and the Fermoy lads met Fritz and Kevin Elliot & decided not to then join the 'Cork Survivors SC' but instead Form the Southern Lions Scooter Club. (The rest was history. But We Still Thrive).
