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Matt's Tips

Driving & Setups:

Driving & Setups:                                                                                                                                                                                                                              W hen Ragawolfe first approached me about giving advice on driving and setups, I told him he was crazy. There are many more drivers on our roster that have much more talent than I do at both. We talked about it and decided to go at this from a first timer’s view to see if maybe we can help. With that said, what I write works for me, it may be pure caca for everyone else.

                                                                                                                                            I like many-bought N4 thinking that it would be a flasher version of the previous Nascar games. My first laps at The Rock told me that I was sadly mistaken. I could hardly make a lap with out hitting the wall, people, cars, horses and whatever else was in the state of North Carolina. I then went on a search for the perfect setup. All that I tried were way to loose; my back end would whip around every time I touched the brakes. So I tightened the car. Now I could drive, but I was sooo slow. And worse my right front tire would blister 20 laps into a race. So I did the only logical thing I could think of, became a Dega Head. You know the type only races at SS nite after boring nite. Then I met you guys. A true racing hero Ike Clanton invited Ragawolfe and myself to run a friendly pick up race. We were forced to leave the driver friendly  super speedways and drive the hated tracks that give me grief. I was hooked. Great guys, great fun, terrible setups. I will now try to share how I was able to get a little better at this time eating game we call fun.  

                                                                                                                                                First go to Read their driving guide and setup help. It will make a difference. I found that by diving these tracks with the fast set loaded and using no brakes you will become smoother. T he only track this wont work for is Marty. This forces you to let off way early and be gentle on the gas. This will make you faster in the long run by saving that all important right front tire. Now after many laps start using the brakes, easy. I bet your lap times don’t get much faster do they. I know that we have to brake in a race. If not we would all get punted in the first turn. But now hopefully we can start to use a looser setup that allows us to increase our speed


.                                                                       Okay, now were smoother but the fast setups still want to snap around at the entrance to every corner. This is a problem. For me the best way to solve this was not to change the setup, but my driving style. No longer do I charge into a corner and slam on the brakes, praying that the car will stick. Now I ease on the pedal much sooner while the car is pointed straight and I never really let the gas off all the way. This seems to slow down the weight shift that makes a car snap loose. I try to give a little throttle to help the car turn and ease back on the gas at the apex of the corner.


                                                                        I know that I have a long way to go to get to the level of our fast racers, Gee, Johnny, Ric, Bux and many others. But this approach at least keeps me on the same lap (some times).  Please accept this in the sprit it was written. This helps me. It may make others worse. I am by no means an expert. If you want I can share with you all some tips that help me setting up my cars.  Again only my humble opinion.




 Ps, I use a ms sidewinder wheel with the lin. Set to 85%                   

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