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The Hot Space

Materials data
Chip data
Cross developement software
Software for resistivity measurement
PID algorithms for DSP
Cross developement tools
Object Oriented Design
Client server design
nternet programming
Web design
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(Parallel port Emulator design)
(Serial to parallel conv)

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This site relates to the following areas:
1) Computer Technology
2) Computer Science
3) Internet Technology
4) Software developement systems
5) Embedded systems
6) Digital Signal Processing
7) Network Instrumentation / control
8) Temperature control systems
9) Nondestructive Materials Measurements.

You will also find some information about web design.

The phenomenon of fast changing technology has a high impact on our society today and our times are characterized by technologies which last a very few years causing a constant change and thus affecting our lives without a sigh of relief. Generations are getting more and more distant. What is the constant factor in this fast changing scenario? As an old saying goes change is the only constant in universe. This seems the only answer in today's scenario. What seems impossible today is possible tomorrow or the day after.

Is it just chasing your dreams everyday just to have some new dreams again? or does it have some really basic implications?

Definitely it has basic implications. The increase in communications traffic does not show any change in the type of conversations we had. We still talk about the small problems of life everyday on phone. But we do have an improved quality of life. We have a better organized life. 

But this scene is not without its own problems. The phenomena of globalization due to the rise of the corporation and the advancement in communication technology has created its own problems. Conflicting interests in different parts of the world are being put into the background due to the phenomenon of globalization. This brings about new problems as economic interests are the key factor in today's world and for any country, its economic interest must not bo lost, however small that country may be. However, globalization tends to make the larger even larger and smaller perish. Does this mean that today we have to be large? Anyone has to be large or you are swallowed be someone larger. How does it go otherwise? Today's mammoth technologies give rise to huge phenomena and there is no control over it. This is visible in rise of corporations like Microsoft and powerful countries like the US.

The professional has an ever growing role in this changing scenario as this is the professional who runs the corporation. As professional one has to understand the ethical side of the scenario and not only the financial side of it. Of course it is objectivism which runs modern life. But it is for the professionals to see the other side of it. The other side that includes national interests, social and cultural interests, interests of poor nations etc.


A page designed by R.N.Dutt