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Welcome to the guild update and rules webpage

RAFFLE:The raffle is on right now and the prize is 5 fire weapons for the upcoming war!Just buy items from here. The more tickets that you buy the better chance you have of winning. Being in a higher rank does not give you an advantage

DRIVE: A drive is where you send me as many of drive items as possible. At the moment the item you must send me is an acorn toy. The person who sends the most will get a morphing potion. To do this you obviously have to make me your neofriend. I will not refuse anyone.

COMETITIONS: Make a guild banner and put it in the photos and the best 3 will get a codestone. The judges will be everyone in the guild! Also we are running out of ideas for new competitions so the person who comes up with the best idea for a competition will get a faerie.

Council:There are still 2 spots left so please apply!At the moment I am the leader, bladerunner is Master and jelly_4_jackie is Commander. Once the first council is full we will have a 2nd council. They will help the 1st council and be payed for it. Neomail us if you need any help.

Random Events: Givaways will happen now and then. Keep checking back here to see if there is anything 4 u. They will be in my trades. For a higher chance of getting something- Post and Donate!

Coming up in guild: Once we have enough people we will have a battle tourney. Also maybe we will have mystery pics and quests too. If you come up with any other ideas neomail me or post on the guild board.

Referring: If you refer: 5 ppl=book 10 ppl=faerie 13 ppl=codestone 15 ppl=good weapon 20+=dubloon coin Plz everyone refer as much as possible. The more the people in the guild the more we can do and the more we have t give away!

Rules: No spamming on the message board- SPAM is Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages! Do not try to get anyone to give you your password and dont be nasty to other people in the guild. If you are too unactive you will be deleted from the guild so please do post lots!