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Notes From The Editor:


WELCOME! This site was designed with Central Illinois Parents in mind. But, of course, can be used by ALL PARENTS. Please take a look around. I hope you like what you see and find it beneficial.



Calendar Of Local Events

Find out when and where family events

are happening in Central Illinois


Parenting Information Page (coming soon)

Sometimes even the greatest parents need a little help.

Here find all types of information related to parenting.


Helpful Articles

Articles I feel could help parents in any aspect.


Coupons & Deals (coming soon)

Come to one spot to find many coupons

& deals to save you money shopping 

online or locally!


Freebies & Deals

Lots of freebies (sample products, books, contest 

entries, etc.) and deals (so cheap they can almost

be considered a freebie). 




If you have any questions,

comments or suggestions

please EMAIL ME!


Click here to give underprivileged women access to mammograms.




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