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I am not responsible for the contents of any external web pages which might be linked to my page. Nor am I in any way connected to the businesses which are hosting those pages. The contents of those pages do not need to reflect my personal believes. Hi and hello there, my name is Matthias (pronounce it  maa-tea-us). I am a native German and have been living in the US since Summer 1998. It is a very long story to explain what made me coming here, but if you really wanna know it, well, drop me a mail, lets chat.
I am originally from Berlin, the capital city of Germany . That's now the next longer story, since I was one of the eye witnesses when the Berlin Wall came down at November 9th 1989. It was an amazing time when our city finally became reunited.
Now I am living in Memphis, Tennessee, and after all, I like it here.
Memphis . The sound of this name by itself was always something exciting, something excotic in the very best meaning. The Mississippi River...all I can tell you is, this river is as beautiful, breathtaking and fascinating as I ever thought.
I am a nurse, since I've been 24 years old. Now I am working in one of our big children hospitals, and well, it's a pretty good job, exciting and challenging every single minute. Sure there always people who like their job, others who don't...the known story of life.
Beside my job I am  "freak" when it comes to computers. Since 1983, when I bought my very first computer I am fascinated and banned to those machines.That brings a lot of fun and changes into my life. And it makes me to one of the "most wanted" to my my friends and soon as their own gray box refuses to do what they expect it to do...:-)
And NEWS, NEWS, NEWS...I am addicted to them. I read newspapers for hours, and the only TV station I receive is CNN...
Here just a few of my favored links. Click on the little globe beside the name (Spiegel is in German, and for the Berliner Rundfunk is the Real Player Plug-In needed).
CNN online SPIEGEL online TIME Magazine If you want to chat with me feel free to catch me at the Yahoo Messenger (mg1st).If that is not what you want, well, since you have been patient enought to read my my page, and since your nerves are now hanging like old shoelaces, here is now the spot where you can leave me your critics, your likes and dislikes about my page.
"I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become reality.....I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word." -- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Berliner Rundfunk
USA Today