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Australian Masters Games, a new name for a free for all, sex week.

For those of you who sit at home while your partner goes off to play baseball, hockey, basketball, netball, volleyball, tennis or one of the other masters sports, its time to think twice. While your partner is off in Canberra, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney or Alice Springs do you really know what is going on. The Australian Masters Games have turned into one big fuck fest, were seniors can let their hair down for a week in a different capital city of Australia each year, without fear of getting caught out by their partners.

Most of the sports are programmed so that teams only play one or two games each day, usually in the late afternoon or early evening, which gives participants all night to pickup at hotels, night clubs and even motel rooms and then have all day to recover before having to play their sport again. This works really well for those wanting to get out and broaden their horizons, so to speak.  

Team sports seem to be the most prolific, with the extra curricular activity, with groups of married men and women out at the popular night spots, testing out their singles routines. Evidence of this is the large amount of condoms given out and purchased at the last Alice Springs Australian masters. Over 5000 condoms disappeared in one week in Alice, now that's a lot of socialising in anyone's language. Read more about Alice Springs running out of condoms here.   fuck fest

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During the 1998 Games local Alice retailers were unable to meet a peak demand for condoms by games goers and competitors. Eventually the town’s supply was completely drained in what is ironically dubbed “The Friendly Games.”
This year, a dedicated safe sex campaign was run in the local media and at games outlets. Advice on matters of sexual health and counseling were provided by Clinic 34, a free local health service.
Spokeswoman for the clinic, Alyon Always said, “The Masters Games is a wonderful time where people come together in a spirit of friendship and shared passion for sport…, we want to remind locals and visitors alike of the importance of safe sex at all times.”

In Canberra in 2002 sex among masters athletes was again in the spotlight. Canberra took a very proactive approach and used the slogan, "Cover yourself in Canberra" Read more about the Cover yourself campain in Canberra here.

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