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Pics of all the guys!!

A pic of me!!

A couple of pics of me and the guys!!

The guys chillin at Valley View mall

Here is everyone chillin' at my party!

Here are me and some of the guys at Dave's Super Bowl party!

Jimmy and Steph..aren't they cute!!

Me, Luke, Virginia, and Sheena at my party!!

Luke, Virginia, and Sheena at my party!!

David just cheesin'

Bolton, David, Brad, Will and Stan chillin at the bowlin alley

Luke dancin!!

My good buddy Phil

Luke and Tobi doin their best McDonalds commercial

Ryan..need I say more??

Ryan and Luke puttin their heads together

Luke and BJ playin some Dreamcast

Chad in the mall

Chad givin Woogs some love

Cam smilin for the camera

Who could forget Bo!!!