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Zodiac Mountain

Hi everyone and welcome to my first website courtesy of Angelfire. I hope you appreciate my website and links. Feel free to e-mail me if you come across a gem of a FREE website for graphic art both animated and non-animated.

Well my name is Chalore but some of you may know me better as Leodejenairo2 on AOL or Leolady2 from cybertown.
My astrological sign is Leo (of course) and I enjoy a variety of activities. I collect dragons both medieval style and the popular cute Pocket Dragons. I also like to collect unicorns and wish to start a wolf collection.

Well enough about me. So should you choose to join cybertown please use my nickname Leolady2 for referral. Have fun and I now return you to your surfing experience.
ROAR ON!!!!!

My Favorite Web Sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Cybertown: Virtual City of the future with chat areas, games, and virtual jobs
SkillJam: Fun game site with both free and pay games with tournaments
