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Me, myself and my friends

hiya this is mi page and welcome hope u like it. a bit about me now i is liz, live in kent, a british child, everyone loves me, and i love mi friends. i am 16... bday on d 25th may years old currently in yr 12 i curently go to ric(rochester independant college) and i miss mi rgs girlies. hehe. chicken wings are nice. pink is d wikidess colour. i love takin photos to. i listen 2 hip hop, r n b, drum n bass and garage music. i dress up as a, 'chav' as i have been tld but i hang around with like mixed groups now and agen. i wanna biggie up 2 all me gorgeous sexy mates, chezzie, claire bear, frani, minter (lalalalalalalalalalalalal, harri, all the rgs girlies rele. and den paula and chels dwn my way. and 2 pidge, ollie, dave, and gem from college i is doing physco,social, media and english lit! um what else can i say! u must love me2 read this and 2 sign my guest books ppl. u no u wanna ;) ;) heheeeeeeeee XxXxXxXxXxXxXx *****************update***************** well helo my gorjusness! lol! this is another webpage of mine if you go to! feel free 2 msg me dere if u have dat 2! and also SIGN MY GUEST BOOK! plssssssssssssssss! i wud wuv u v v v v v much *puppy eyes* hehehehehe i stil miss my gorjusness at rgs.. my girlies who went from rgs 2 chatham boys... i wonder why... and also I LOVE My friends at colege at the mo....Bigz upz my gorjus mateys at colege, Jenny, Cat, Clo, Joey, Faye, Meg, Sarah, Amy and other people who i mite av missed out! altho half dese people on ere i dont rele have a pic of so im guna take some of u's lot and shove u in my picccie bits.. but apart from that feel free 2 take a look at my other gorjus mateys!!! loves ya all!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i am....

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