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My name is Mikael Karlo Cruz. I am a twenty-two year old aspiring R&B artist from the Steel City; and I love Music. Why do I love Music so much? There are so many answers for one question so profound. I will try, in the simplest of ways, to tell you why.


Music has been the best friend to me, which one could always wish for. Through the throes of love’s heartache, or the happiness of life’s victories, it seems like Music was always there to listen to all I had to say. All I truly had to do was write my feelings down on paper, and give voice to the truth of what I felt; I could expose the sides of a heart torn of sorrow, or a soul immersed in the glow of joy, and never fear judgment, never fear retribution. Music was my best friend; I could place the sides of me I normally would never speak about, on a platform of art that lifted me higher. Instead of taking advantage of my vulnerabilities, instead of exploiting the tears, my fears - once put down on a sheet of paper straight from the pen, or on the computer screen from the pounding of the keyboard - seemed to be lessened by the fact that I had shared it with someone, with Music, and that somewhere, wherever Music drifted, someone would understand. It seemed that the dark times weren’t as dark as I thought, that the sunrise wasn’t as far away as the night made it seem to be. Instead of lessening my victories with a harsh light of criticism from a personal viewpoint, Music seemed to delight when I shared my happiness with it, and made me feel like somewhere, wherever Music soared, someone would be happy for me as well. All I had to do was share my heart, and let my soul sing, and somehow, somewhere, a friend would hear me, and relate. It made me feel as if somewhere out there, a friend was making ready to shoulder some of burden of the pain which was once unbearable, making ready to applaud me for the successes which were worth having pride in. Music was a friend at times when no one else was there to understand, no one else was there to be with. Therefore I love Music.


Music had also, always been the big brother I never had. The one that gave advice, answers, inspiration – the one that told me to move forward no matter how far back I had been pushed, no matter how far down I had fallen. I had only but to listen to Music’s words, to the words others have confided in Music, the emotions that others had shared with Music, and suddenly I felt as if certain answers to certain doubts had been made clear for me. I listened and learned to feel that, no, heartbreak need not be the end of love, that somehow, someway, I could get through love’s stumbles and failures and find a way to what was true. Why? Because what I heard from Music told me so. I listened and felt that even though times were dark, and though at times you felt alone in a world where suffering seemed to be a standard, and that you lived a life where nothing ever seemed to be enough, that there was a light at the end of the tunnel, that persevering would one day lead to that world that you had always dreamed possible. Why? I believe, because Music told me to do so. And so I love Music.


What have Music and I been doing together as of late? Well it seems that as much as I love Music, certain people close to me love it as well. In the near future, you’ll find some of the words and vocals I have lent to Music on collaborations with fellow Music lovers such as hip-hop emcees like Felicia, and Creative Mind, on their projects. You will hear my voice flowing to the backdrop of Musical beats produced by local producers like The Agentz, and Profit on a solo demo venture my friend Music and I will be trying to complete as soon as possible. It seems like Music brings those people that I care for closer together as well, brings the circle of those people whom I respect ever tighter. Why? Because they love Music, just like I do.


Friend, brother, inspirer, confidante – Music to me, are all these things and more. I know many others feel this way as well around the world, and share my love for Music. The love is clear every time you turn on the radio and hear a brand new set of loving words sung by a beautiful affectionate voice with the most profound of emotions for Music’s cause. The love is evident every time you attend a concert and see a proud hip hop artist on stage, with fire in his eyes, and conviction on his lips, telling his life story for the sake of Music. The love is apparent when you see a live-band performance and hear the perfect harmony created by the perfect union of a group of individuals come together, baring their emotions in public for the love of Music. It is my great hope that one day when you hear my voice, singing from the heart and you see my words, written from the soul, that the love also becomes apparent, becomes evident, and becomes clear.

I hope and plan for all this, because I love Music - and now you know why.