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::::: My Story :::::

        It all started with my New Years resolution 2001... I made up my mind that I have had enough of this FAT and I was finally going to lose this weight... I planned to do it the LC way (Atkins)... My GOAL was to be at least 199 lbs by new years day 2002...

        I put my food down (Pizza) at midnight on the dot and my journey began... I didn't have a scale so I went to Wal-Mart (lobby) the next morning and weighed-in at 319 lbs!!! (I then went to the store every Monday for my weigh-ins after that)...

        When I came home from weighing-in, I got online and found a lowcarb support message board for the support I needed... I tried to make it their just about everyday... I met so many wonderful friends who gave me their unconditional support... Some friends that I still have to this day...

        I never cheated, not one little bite! I lost 100 lbs in the first 10 months... But in my last couple of months I did CRAZY, STUPID things in a panic to try and make that 199 lb goal I had set for myself...

        I did Stillman's, Fat Fasts, Meat Fasts, heck I made my own rules as I went along as long as my Carbs were low... THAT is where I went WRONG and WHY I sit here today (12/26/2002) with ALL my weight back... Yes those are some very good programs, but I ABUSED them to the extreme and that is NOT what they are for...

        The last 45 to 60 days of the year, while I was abusing the food plans (above) I was just about starving myself... It was more like the old DIET days/ways and I felt terrible... It was nothing like the Low Carb plan I had been following... I was off of all my meds and feeling GREAT, better than I had in YEARS!

        After going through all of that I still didn't make 199 lbs! I ended up at 217 lbs... Looking back, if I just would of stuck with my Low Carb Plan the RIGHT way I would of made the 199 lbs in my own sweet time but I got so GREEDY and LOST my way!

        Then::: Since I didn't make that 199 lbs by the new year (Jan 2002) I figured I would take ONE WEEK off from all the crazyness, have some the things I missed and regroup, that was Jan 4th 2002... After all, It was the ONLY New Years resolution I have EVER kept in my 42 years and I deserved it, or so I thought!

        I was so hungry from abusing myself I lost all control after a couple of days... I was like a kid in a candy store... Then, I couldn't find my way back let alone REGROUP... Oh how I tried MANY, MANY times...

        8 months into 2002 I GAINED ALL my weight back and even 12 EXTRA pounds to go with them! I started at 319 lbs in Jan of 2001, I went to 217 lbs by Jan of 2002... And in 8 short months in 2002 up to 330 lbs...

        I ate my way back doing all the WRONG things! Me, NOT my plan... Some people want to think, oh that Atkins diet is why you gained it back so fast... NO, NO, NO, I did a lowfat diet years ago too, lost alot of weight and gained it all back! Because I ate too much of all the WRONG foods, Plain And Simple!

        For months now I have tried and tried again to get back on my Low Carb plan! I made it maybe four days here, a week their but I couldn't seem to stay on plan for the life of me...

        I have asked myself so many times, HOW can you go a whole year 24/7 - 365 days and stay on plan and now you can't get a couple of weeks togeather? I just kept thinking back, I searched deep within myself for a long time to find my answer and the only one that keeps coming back to me, Was THIS...

        I was always one of those people who would start their DIET on MONDAY... ALWAYS, I'll start on MONDAY! Well, when I made that New Years resolution, I realized within a couple of days I was NOT going to have that New Years day back for a whole YEAR if I messed up, and NOT next week like the all the Monday's...

        I honesty believe that is what kept me on my plan and made me not cheat... It might sound alittle crazy but I know now that IS what worked for me... I have always been a all or nothing kinda of person, A BIG FAULT of mine... I knew I was one of those people who if I cheated once I would be through and that was a chance I was NOT willing to take!

        I have no one to blame for this, ultimately I did it to myself and it is up to ME to put it all behind me, get on with my life and get healthy... I am so DONE crying over it! I am going to use my anger to fuel me, AGAIN!

        I bought a new journal (it worked well for me last year)... Im hoping this time to journal even more than just my food/carbs so maybe I can get a deeper look as to WHY I overeat like I do! I love food but I know their is much more to it and I am looking forward to finding out... I have lost my CONTROL, and I am TAKING it back! I AM MOVING ON!!!

        It has been a very long painful road for me, losing 100 lbs and gaining it back... Punishing myself, falling into despair and depression... The heartbreak it has caused me was more than I could bare at times... I almost let it destroy me... But Id like to think in the grand scheme of things it was all for a reason and I will be even smarter, stronger and a better person for have traveled it...

        Id like to say for anyone new to this WOE (Way of Eating), give it and yourself time, it does WORK... And don't put pressures and undoable timelimits on yourself because as you can see from me, it's just a matter of time and it WILL backfire and it's not pretty... Time will pass reguardless so do it the RIGHT way and be Healthy and Happy...

        ~ ~ ~ This Is My Best Tip ~ ~ ~

        Id Like To Share With You A E-Book I Was Lucky To Find That Helped Me Weed Out The Good Supplements From The Ones That Do NOTHING... Plus Great Weightloss/Fatloss And Fitness Advise... I Had Great Success Using The Info From This E-Book In 2001-2002 Losing Over 100 lbs In 10 Months, And I Am Using It This Time Too... (Click On My Story Above)... On A Lowcarb Eating Plan Many If Not All Of Us Take Supplements... I Got So Tired Of Wasting My Money Buying Supplements That Didn't Do ANYTHING! I Honestly Have To Say This E-Book Saved Me A lot Of Money And Grief... Click On It And Take A Look, No Pressure At All Just FACTS...

        Learn about fat loss supplements

        Free Sample Of E-Book

        Thank you, to all of you that have visited my website last year/this year and wished me success and your support... Thank you, for never giving up on me even when I was so low I gave up on myself... Thank you, for all the kind words in my Guestbook I am so blessed... I will forever be greatful... I want to prove to myself and others that you can fall, even fall HARD, and get back up and BE A SUCCESS...

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