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12/27/03: Winter Break
Ok, so first semester is now over and Chris and I are back to our usual riding haunts. However we have a big change-a mini dv camera. SICK. I got a Canon Optura 20 digital camera and we have already been collecting footage for Steel Roots 3 as well as a few internet vids that will most likely be released onto We shot some footage in Boston today, I really can not say that I was too happy with the way things went. I managed to pull a nice wedge move, a few nice lip tricks (270 disaster, abubica, nothing too nice I guess) and Chris busted 2 stair gaps one was pretty ridiculous the other not so much but still tough, he also had a pretty sick manual line. Some video worthy lines, but I am not happy with how everything went. Tomorrow I am heading to Purgatory Chasms to meet up with fellow expert class trials riders Mike Umbarger and Ed Gildea, maybe get some natural footage? I dont know, I hope so. Until next time...ride on.


10/21/03: Back in Worcester/Syracuse
Lame. Summer is over. Chris and I have gone back to school. Which means I am back in the lovely city of Worcester while he is out at Syracuse. In riding news Chris earned a real big win in sport mountain cross at Platekill at the Collegiate mountain bike championship. Congrats go out to him, good job.

Ok, not to take away from Chris' win, but I would like to throw in that I got third place at the last EFTA of the year. I am pretty happy that I went from 19th expert at Motorama to 3rd expert by the end of the year. Anyay enough about me, what's in store for Go Big Productions for the rest of the year? To be honest not much. The annual Thanksgiving and Christmas sessions are going to be upon us soon so that will be cool. REI is interested in demos for the anniversery sale so that will be cool as well (although pretty far away...) Video shooting will definately be commencing, I have some stuff I need to get on tape. Look for some new pictures soon. Bike pics, riding pics, hopefully some of us just chilling too. Before I go I would like to just announce demo booking is now completely open (did it ever close?)


7/22/2003: East coast represent
That's right, east coast style. Chris and I have been everywhere lately. Sessioning Framingham, dirt jumps, Boston, wherever, rumor even has it that we might be riding a little natural trials sometime in the near future *gasp*. Right, well seriously, we have been riding alot lately trying to get some footage clocked for "Steel Roots 3." We scouted a bunch of lines in Boston and are heading back to hunt for some more. Let's just say "DAMN" I have got some big stuff for you guys when this video if finished and dont worry Chris does too. His hucks and manuals are looking good, this video will definately be a great combination of freeride, trials and urban, I can't wait to see it.

The first video shoot was a flop. No more then twenty minutes into it I broke my fork. It snapped at the steerer tube and left me quite angry. I am currently riding a Z.3 lite until my steel Koxx fork shows up. Other last minute news I will be at EFTA #2 in Hingham MA on August 3rd I kind of want to head down the day before and ride Nantasket beach if anyone wants to go. Also demos on August 1st at the Cambridge side Galeria and one with a location that is to be announced on August 5th in Boston. Stay tuned!


7/14/2003: Long Time...No Update
Let me start by saying "I am sorry." This site has not been maintained as I had thought it would. However after spearking with Monkey Milk Productions things are under control and hopefully we will be able to get some new videos, photos, etc up and running.

A bunch has happened since I last updated this part of the site, but I will skip most of the little bits in favor of the few big things that have transpired. First I attended and competed at Rye Airfield's 2nd Annual Big Wheels Contest. It is a great event, mountain bikes only on the pro street course. The lines were huge and people were going off. It was great to see Jeff Lenosky, Aaron Chase, Lance Trappe, Kyle Ebbet, etc. really go to town, it has really inspired me to ride at a higher (more technical) level. I am sort of pleased with my 9th place result, on a trials bike it is tough to do too much at a park, but after changing a few parts I think I have a bike that is not only great for street/park, but also pretty killer for trials contest. Updates/pics soon.

Well, while at Rye I broke my thumb, putting me out of commision for awhile. I missed the Snowshoe WV National and I am still pretty bummed about that. However a few days ago my cast came off and Chris and I had a clinic at REI. We got a bit carried away and the crowd seemed content watching us ride and asking questions in between. It was pretty fun, I hope we inspired some of those guys to try some new things on their bikes. Chris and I have also been busting out the shovels and working on Hell Track 3. Which is taking great form in my backyard. Look for some pics and video of it soon. Some nice double jumps, wallrides, etc. Should be a great way to spend some of the remaining summer afternoons. Look for more updates soon!



Recently I went to stop 1 of the North American Trials Series at the Motorama speed show in Harrisburg PA. The contest is notoriously the largest and most difficult event of the series. The sections were hard, the moves were big and lots of people were there to watch making it a nerve racking experience, all the better to make for my expert class debut.

I finished up getting 19th place, I managed to tie Craig Dionne. He has beaten me in the past and has been riding expert since last season so the tie must show some improvement on my part. I was amazed at how hard the sections were, but it was still a good time. I got to ride with some really cool people. US Trials Team member Jeremy Vanschonhoven, the infamous BMF trials crew, Andy Tonkery among others. I met alot of people from the pro class all the way down through beginner and feel like even though I did not win, I reflected well on REI and

After the event Mike Steidley ( and I did a bit of talking and he invited me up to the Rye Airfield skate park with Jeff Lenosky
( I will hopefully have great stuff to report back to on that ride. Riding with the likes of Mike and Jeff will make this a very productive spring break.

-Dan Bowhers

1/18/02: 2002 EFTA Series
The final counts are in, I won both sport stock and modified classes in the 2002 EFTA series. Now I will be riding expert as of Motorama. For all of you that are going to be staying at the Radisson for the Motorama event, look for me, I finally reserved a room and this will be my first year at the event.

Check out the video section. I made a few small ones with a pretty poor quality so most of you will be able to download them without waiting TOO long. I may make some longer ones in the future, we will see how everyone likes these ones.

In other news, we are now booking demos for the spring and summer. Email us if you have any questions. Other then that, see you all at Motorama.



The increasing amount of snow has been holding us back a little, but Chris and I have managed to fit some riding into the past few weeks. We had a little contest to see who really had the bigger moves. We used pallets to construct an ever-growing obstacle. We finished up going up over 8 pallets. It wasn't a bad effort considering the ups were a good fist above handlebar high. I estimate the highest up of the day was about 44 inches.

In addition to the pallet riding I have been going to Skater's Paradise skate park in Shrewsbury MA quite frequently. I think my demo riding will be greatly improved as a result of this more trick oriented riding. I was pulling some pretty cool one-footed variations on some moves as well as getting others dialed in. I am very excited about the upcoming competitions and
demonstrations alike.

Content of this website ©2002 Go Big Productions.
Site design by Monkey Milk Productions.