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First and foremost, let it be stated that we assume no responsibilities for any misuse of the information presented in these publications. The techniques herein can be obtained from public libraries, and can usually be carried out by ANYONE with minimal equipment.

This makes one all the more frightened, since any lunatic or social deviant could obtain this information, and use it against anyone. The processes and techniques herein SHOULD NOT BE CARRIED OUT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!! Serious harm or death could occur from attempting to perform any of the methods in these publications.

This is merely for reading enjoyment, and is not intended for actual use!!

We don't take responsibility for this text. We have only made it available for you on the web. The original textfile can be found on anonymous ftp at many places on the Web. We only HTML-ized it. Further we want to make clear that we have no connection at all with the writer(s) of the various books. By clicking accept you agree to these terms.
