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Hello, and welcome to Electric Garden Productions. If you've come this far, you're probably wondering just what the idea is. Well, in the beginning the main focus was in providing bands with a very affordable recording facility. This still stands, although we have greatly expanded the idea of EGP. What we have in mind here is a collective, a co-op if you will, dedicated to art in its many forms.
In becoming a member, you have access to many opportunities:

Each artist shall undergo a review, as we are keeping only tasteful and extremely original forms of art in mind.
One of the central problems with art is the exploitation it experiences. Turn on the radio or television and you shall obviously know where I'm coming from...if not, you need not apply. This CO-OP is dedicated to those artists who do not produce their ideas for the sole purpose of fame and adding themselves to the corporate, profiteering dinosaurs currently running the show.
On top of being an artists co-op, Electric Garden Productions also presents a source for affordable recording, promotions, website building and various other services that can be of benefit to you upon becoming a member of the co-op. The established rate for the above services is $11.25 per hour, plus any applicable materials required to meet the request of the individual. At times, this may involve the rental of microphones, the purchase of paper, web space and so on. More information can be provided to you VIA e-mail after you have contacted us.