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The word Lederhosen is the German word for leather shorts. The Lederhosen started out as a knee high pants but gradually got shorter. The Lederhosen used to be like jeans which to a modern boy would be very popular. Lederhosen usually have some feathers on them and big buttons. They either do up with a zipper or buttons. The Lederhosen resembled a French short pant (culottes) but of course they were not made of leather they were made of silk and other materials. There are many styles of the Lederhosen. They may even come with suspenders or a front design. Lederhosen come in pretty plain colors such as brown or Grey they rarely come in red or yellow and if they do they're probably targeted at girls. Many people think the Lederhosen is uncomfortable to wear but on the contrary it isn't, it is made of soft silk. The Lederhosen was commonly worn in the summer or any warm period of time. The lederhosen being almost a national symbol many polititians wore it to say that theyloved their country. Adolf Hitler for example for example. In television ads the spokes people will still often wear the lederhosen even though the style is now mostly just for show.

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