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Prayer Will Bring Miracles
by Isis Saphire

As we sit and watch the news
All about the pending war with thousands of views
We watch as our military people pack up to leave
Leaving behind loved ones to grieve.

There shouldn't be any wars in this nuclear age
But countries like Irag make you scream with rage
Of the ignorance Saddam has while killing his own people
All for the thrill and gain of power.

I will wave my American Flag proudly
As we honor our brave men and women
Tears falling as they leave for the unknown
With fear ever most in their throat.

Bring them home safely Lord
Guide them in their struggle to survive
Prayers will be sent to the heavens
To bring our military back alive.

Little children stand in the early morning light
Tears streaming down their faces
Waving until their loved ones are out of sight.
Lifting their beloved heroes
On a freedom flight
Oh, how their hearts will remember.

Men and women kiss their loved ones
As they hurriedly take flight
Off into the wild blue yonder
Into the blackness of the night.

Many hearts will be grieving
But hold fast my dear hearts
Prayer will bring miracles
Maybe it can even stop a war.


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