Howz It Goin Down??

*** You Have Been Warned ***

Welcome to the 'AA's' Room ----- Pull up a chair, take a seat ------ Cause this gurl's gotta lot to say. . . .

Now Playing ::
Closer - Goapele (

"I want people to remember me as a full on entertainer and a good person."
-- Aaliyah Dana Haughton

*.: My Thoughts:.*

April 8th,2003


A'ight , it's been beyond a long ass time since I've posted somfin' on my site. So I thought i'd make some minor changes, such as update my blog or w/e. Anyways so my girl Aaliyah's next single is Come Over, and i was gonna put i ton the site but it's slow and I'm in a pretty jumpy ass mood, so I'm gonna put the single she released in the UK, which is "Don't Know What To Tell Ya" , it's pretty tight, one of my fave's right now. K wait maybe i'll put Goapele so you guys get a little of the indie flavour... thanks to my gurl Ri RI who's from around the bay area in Cali and brought the song to my attention!!!

Movin from the music tip, I gots ta explain to everyone how excited I am for X2 and The Matrix Reloaded, they look too ill, I know I'm going to be seeing them at least 3 times each.I also have got to peep 'Anger Management' and of course my gurls M.R.'s movie 'S.W.A.T.' but that doesn't hit theatres till August, and apparently it's gonna be her last movie for awhile. Which is some shit,'cause although I love her the only movie I really loved was Girlfight, and i loved The Fast and The Furious, but she only said 4 lines the whole fuckin movie!

But bump that, I'm not even gonna stress, e'eryone needs time off. Hmm so what's new at the moment? Oh there's this new Indie Artist from The Bay Area. Her name's 'Goapele' (Go-Op-Pelly) and her song is called Closer, and lemme tell you, this song is soo good, if you've got somfin to D/L with, you have to check this out, she completely reminds me of Sade, with a voice that isn't as low though.I Know said i was gonna stop talkin about music, but what can ya do.

On a more serious note, we need to talk about the after effects of the war on Canadians going to the States. Now ok, I understand that the US is upset that Canada didn't back them in the war, and I'm still undecided on whether or not I think we should have. I mean I am definitely not for the war, b/c first of all they're going in for all the wrong reasons

1. Bush wants oil. Gas prices were rising too high, and threatened the US's economy.
2. Bush saw that more and more people were wanting him out of office and he needed to do something to rectify that, and to help keep him in power.
3. He's fighting his father's war... His father supplied Iraq with the nuclear weapons, now Bush is trying to take them away.
And finally 4. Iraq was an unresolved issue from years ago, and Bush had to take action somehow, he'd been backed into a corner, there wasn't much else that he could do.

Saddam Hussein has been putting his people ( well not his people but those who aren't of his religion which is about 80% of Iraq'a population, considering that Saddam's religious group only make up 20% of that nation.)through purgatory, and who's to say that it's right that the US feels they can impose their beliefs and ways on the Iraqies, but Saddam Hussein is obviously abusing his power and those same Iraqies have been crying out for help. It's sad that the US turned a blind eye, to all this when they were getting what they wanted from Iraq, but now that that relationship has been flailing, the US wants people to believe that their attack on Iraq was one of heroism, which is plain bullshit and everyone who isn't blinded by ignorance should be able to see that. But putting that all aside my main point was, that now that the war is taking place, Canadians are being treated horrendusly in the States. Things like ppl putting signs on Canadians' cars telling them to go home. And although I can understand and fully appreciate where the US is coming from, Canada I think deserves at least a modicum of respect, the US still gets a majority of imports from us ( lumber etc.) and although we may be seen as the same nation, the fact is we aren't and Canada has the right to exorcise their independance. Now this is not to say i agree with our jackass of a prime minister, but I can appreciate it all the same. We are not the only country with relations with the US that hasn't offered to go to war with them. And I think that Jean Chretien was obviously afraid of the repercussions of doing so (trade right now our stocks are pretty solid compared to the fall of the US's market/dollar), but there are also consequences for not helping our neighbour country, because if we ever get in trouble I dont think the US will be the first or the last to line up and help. *sigh* As you can see I've thought about this in-depth.

But Anyways I moving away from the serious tip, and I have a new song clip of me singing. I'm doin this dope song by Vivian Green entitled Emotional Rollercoaster so of course peep it and then tell me what you think.

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My Clips ( of me)
Emotional Rollercoaster. TO Hear it Right Click and press "Save-As"

Emotional Rollercoaster

AA's Playlist (the newest ish. . .)

1. Goapele - Closer
2. Aaliyah Feat. Jay-Z - Miss You (Remix)
3. 702 - Trouble
4. Monica - So Gone
5. Sean Paul - Like Glue

Rhyme Of the Week ( Goes To. . .)

" In The Bible it says, What Goes Around Comes Around. Almost Shot Me, Three Weeks Later He Got Shot Down.
Now It's Clear That I'm Here For A Real Reason. 'Cause He Got Hit Like I Got Hit, But He Ain't Fuckin' Breathin."
-- 50 Cent, Many Men (Wish Death)

An Introduction to AA's Beeeeutiful men. It's ONLY and introduction so don't get too comfortable punkasses!!

. . . . . W I L L L E M A Y . . . . .
AA's Man, so hands off bee-otch's!!!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . D A V I D F U M E R O . . . . .
Another One Of AA's Infamous men...;)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . A L L E N I V E R S O N . . . . .
This one is mine ENTIRELY, so don't front.
No one BUT me could handle this much man.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Name :: AA
Original Crib :: Toronto
Where I'm At :: Vancouver
Ethnicity :: Black Trinidadian
Age :: 17
Birthday :: Dec 11
Sign :: Saggitarius
School :: Killarney
Favorite Color :: Black and Purple
Favorite Flavour :: Chocolate and Coffee
Favorite Celebrity :: Aaliyah and Michelle Rodriguez
Favorite Movie :: Girlfight
Favorite Song :: As of **4/08/03** Lil Kim - "Shake Ya Bum Bum" + Goapele "Closer"
Favorite T.V. Show :: Roswell **Cancelled** =(
Favorite Book :: Invisible Man by Raplh Ellison and The Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler

And of course I can't forget mah gurls, on the real, these gurls are the hottest, and if they haven't blown up yet, they're on their way . . . SO BE ON THE LOOK OUT!!!!

What Does 'AA' Look For In A Man??
(the low down . . .)

++ Gots ta be unnattached

++ Nicely packaged

++ 5'11" or taller

++ LUV me some black men, and am definitely feelin the Puerto Rican/Columbian/Dominican/Cuban men.

++ Gotta have a brain ignorant asses allowed on premises

++ Cornrows, Fades, or Baldies. Jerry Curls strictly prohibited.

++ No Sensitive guys. Can't stand the pussy ones that cry, be a MAN dammit!

++ Gots ta have a sense of humor. Can't be funny?? Then you can't be with me.

++ No Skinny guys allowed. I'm thin enough for the both of us. If we ever got around to doing the full 'home run' we might start a fire.

++ Stamina is a must. I like to go ALLLL night, u can't go for the long ride?? Don't get on the bus PUNKASSES

++ No Game Playin Motherfuckers, I HATE that shit, you wanna play games?? Buy Monopoly.

++ Abso-fucking-lutely, No mushy-lovey dovey ass brothas. Homie Don't play dat.

++ Damnnn Homie, I ain't even tryna be wit no Wanksta's, 'Cause they need to stop frontin'

To Be Continued . . . . . . . . . .

.: Facts About 'Trinidad':.

Country Name --> Trinidad & Tobago

Population --> 1.3 Million

Capital --> Port-of-Spain

Location --> In the Caribbean Sea approximately seven miles off the Venezuelan coast.

Climate --> The average daytime temperature is 30°C (86°F). At night, temperatures may fall to 25°C (77°F)

Culture --> In this population of 1.3 million, you’ll find ethnic and cultural roots stretching back to India, Africa, China, Europe and the Middle East.

Language --> The official language is English. Remnants of French, Spanish, Hindi, African and Amerindian are all part of the dialect.


++ Bacchanal: scandalous, rowdy event
++ Fete: party
++ Lime: a get-together of friends/to hang out with friends
++ Mas: Carnival
++ Trinbago: [combination/abbreviated version of] Trinidad & Tobago
++ Wine: sexy dancing involving movement of waist and hips

Just wanted to hit ya'll up wit a lil bit of culture . . . You feelin me yet??

R.I.P BabyGirl

We Miss You

The Definition of a B-I-T-C-H (So In other words. . . ME)

When I stand up for myself and my beliefs, they call me a bitch.

When I stand up for those I love, they call me a bitch.

When I speak my mind, think my own thoughts or do things my own way,they call me a bitch.

Being a bitch means I won't compromise what's in my heart.

It means I live my life MY way.

It means I won't allow anyone to step on me.

When I refuse to tolerate injustice and speak against it, I am defined as a bitch.

The same thing happens when I take time for myself instead of being everyone's maid, or when I act a little selfish.

It means I have the courage and strength to allow myself to be who I truly am and won't become anyone else's idea of what they think I "should" be.

I am outspoken, opinionated and determined.

I want what I want and there is nothing wrong with that!

So try to stomp on me, try to douse my inner flame, try to squash every ounce of beauty I hold within me. You won't succeed.

And if that makes me a bitch, so be it. I embrace the title and am proud to bear it.

B - Babe
I - In
T - Total
C - C ontrol of
H - Herself

B = Beautiful
I = Intelligent
T = Talented
C = Charming
H = Hell of a Woman

B = Beautiful
I = Individual
T = That
C = Can
H = Handle anything

Question of the Week:

Why do you think people are so influenced by the media?? What kind of effect does the media's image of asthetical appeal have on you??

Holla Back . . .

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