Tajik Hats

Prepared by
Iraj Bashiri
Copyright 1998

General Remarks

Adopted from the Album of Tajik Costumes by Gremyachinskaya, et al., 1969.

Embroidered skull caps (tyubeteikas) have always been popular among the Tajiks. During the Soviet years, they became even more popular and were manufactured by numerous artels as well as by individual needleworkers. The tyubeteikas for brides and bridegrooms are especially beautiful. Many Tajiks continue to wear their traditional tyubeteikas with the rest of their western-style wardrobe.

Modern skull cap worn by Tajiks of valley districts
A more colorful skull cap worn by Tajiks of valley districts
Hats worn by valley Tajiks
Hats of mountain Tajiks of Kulab
Hats worn by the dwellers of West Pamir

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