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In recognition of all the help you have given your fellow Beatle Buddies
Lisa, Thank you for a problem solver a troubleshooter and a friend. You are indeed the Grooviest! ~Eddie
"Without Lisa's help, my emails would look awful drab and I wouldn't even have a webpage without her help and she can be more like a sister to you than your very own sister."~Jeff
To Lisa, For making all my crazy ideas a reality ~ thank you!! :-) Love, Lucy
Lisa, I feel fortunate to have stumbled into this group last Nov., you are a big part of makes it so special.   I want to thank you for your hard work on our Beatle Buddy Gazette, without you, it never would have happened.~Susan
Hey Lisa, thanks for everything you've done for this group (and me!). You really are a great person and I'm glad we "met"!~Don
Lisa, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your help. There would be no Temple Of Alyson without your guidance. :-) Love,~David
Lisa, you know I love ya girl! You are so sweet. Thanks for everything you've done for us all! Your PAF partner,~Amy
I don't know what to say, Lisa has helped me so much over the last 15 months (since I've been on-line) but especially the last 6 months since I started my website. So I guess I'll have to say: "Lisa, thanks know"~mrjo
Thanks Lisa for pointing me in the direction of the Beatle Buddies. Thanks to you I've hooked up with some great Beatle people, you included of coarse.~Richie V
Lisa, you are one of the most wonderful people I have met on this thing they call the 'net. You're a real source of inspiration, always willing to lend a hand to others and have helped me to get through some rough waters. I'm very happy and proud to call you my friend.~"Spike McGee"